Episode 6 - Politics

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'I gather you went to the hear Liberal candidate today?' Robert asked Sybil stoically.

'There were several speakers, actually,' said Sybil civilly, 'He was the last.'

Emma watched in discomfort and she could see a vein in her father's forehead was about to burst.

'Did he speak well?' Emma inquired.

'I thought so,' said Sybil.

'But there was quite a brouhaha,' said Robert.

Sybil brushed off her father's tone, 'You know what these things can be like.'

'I do,' said Robert with authority.

Robert banged down his fork and knife on his plate.

'Which is why I am astonished you should not feel it necessary to ask my permission to attend!' Robert bellowed, 'I assume this was Branson's scheme.'

'No,' Sybil denied.

'I confess,' said Robert, 'I was amused at the idea of an Irish radical for a chauffeur, but I see now I have been naive.'

'I told Branson to take Sybil,' Cora reasoned gently.

Robert turned his head to Cora, frowning his eyebrows and bellowed, 'What are you saying?!'

Cora continued in a polite tone, 'Sybil needed to go to Ripon. I asked Branson to drive her. I thought it would be sensible, in case there was trouble.'

'I want to do some canvassing,' said Sybil, 'The by-election isn't far off.'

Robert and Violet stare opened mouthed at Sybil.

'Canvassing?' said Violet, gobsmacked.

'Oh, it's quite safe,' said Sybil passionately, 'You're in a group and you knock on doors.'

'Yes, I know what canvassing is.'

'I think that Sybil is-' said Emma.

Violet turned to Emma and said, 'What? Are you canvassing, too? Or would you rather take in washing?'

'I was only going to say that Sybil is entitled to her opinions.'

'No,' snapped Violet, 'She isn't until she is married. Then her husband will tell her what her opinions are.'

'Oh, Granny!' Emma exclaimed exasperatedly, rolling her eyes. She wanted very much wanted to say she agreed with Sybil's views, but she didn't want to paint herself in a dark place with her father.

'I knew you wouldn't approve,' Sybil muttered sadly.

Emma gave her a worrying glance.

'Which presumably is why you all hid your plans from me,' Robert huffed.

'Does this mean you won't be presented next month?' Violet asked Sybil.

Cora rolled her eyes.

'Certainly not,' said Sybil, 'Why should it?'

'Well, I doubt I'd expect to curtsey to Their Majesties in June,' said Violet, 'when I'd been arrested at a riot in May. But then, I'm old. Things may be different now.'

'She hasn't been arrested,' said Mary, 'and it wasn't a riot.'

'But it might be next time,' Edith warned.

'There will not be a next time,' Robert said firmly.

Sybil sighed in defeat.

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