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"eh, Gojo-senei?"

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"eh, Gojo-senei?"

"oh hey Yuji."

the pink-haired student of Satoru Gojo found him sitting in front of a grave in the graveyard. Yuji was only there to visit his grandfather buried there like he always did, but ended up seeing his sensei's white hair stick out like a sore thumb in the graveyard.

Gojo was sitting in front of a gravestone, one that looked not so old but not so new. it was covered in moss, but where the name was carved into the stone was clear of any moss, as if someone always cleaned it away to not hide the name.

Yuji made his way over to his teacher, hopping over some graves to get there a little faster.

"so who are you visiting Gojo-sensei?"

"i'm visiting an old friend Yuji."

"an old friend?"

"mhmm, an old friend indeed my precious student."

"so who is it sensei?"

"look at the gravestone Yuji."

the pink-haired student drifted his eyes over to the gravestone his teacher was sitting in front of. it held the name of someone by the name "(Y/N) Mei".

"(Y/N) Mei, was she part of a clan like you Gojo?"

the white haired male looked ahead at the gravestone for a few more seconds then turned his blindfolded face over to Yuji who was standing next to him.

"she indeed was Yuji, a powerful one like mine you could say."

"was she as strong as you?"

"not as much as me, but she was close enough." Gojo snickered lightly at a memory.

"so she went to school with you too? since you called her a friend."

"geez Yuji you ask too many questions," laughing slightly in the middle of his sentence Gojo paused for a bit, "want to listen to a story Yuji?"

Yuji was a bit confused by this, first his teacher laughed at him a bit then offered him to tell him a story. but he just shrugged it off as one of Gojo's many antics.

"sure i got free time."

"then sit down, i'll scoot over a bit." Gojo made more space for Yuji to sit down in front of the woman's grave.

sitting down Yuji looked at his teacher to start talking but all he received from Gojo was silence. the white haired had snuggled further into the collar of his jujutsu uniform, hiding the rest of his face only showing his nose. 

"i'm not good at telling stories, but i'll try with this one."

and so the story of a girl named (Y/N) Mei had begun.


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