Fred & Tris, Tris & Fred pt1

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There are two parts to this chapter since there was a lot to happen! Please enjoy <3


I now officially had a permanent residence with the Weasley family since I had left Hogwarts to help the Mischief twins with their business. Mrs. Weasley was a bit upset with the three of us but that quickly faded into just being glad to have everyone there at the burrow. Some issues occurred with her middle son, Percy, in which he left his family for the Ministry. His choices and actions caused everyone to worry. The twins had their business, Wizard Wheezes, which was actually pretty popular especially when the young wizards were home for holidays.

Fred apparated into my bedroom causing me to smile and then jump into his arms. He held me tightly, planting a kiss on my cheek. "Happy birthday my Slytherin princess." I rolled my eyes at him causing a quiet laugh to ripple through his chest. I stuck my tongue out playfully at him as he set me back down. He took my hand and led us down the stairs to the kitchen where George was waiting for him.

"Are you coming with us today Tris?" Georgie asked me, causing me to raise a brow at him. "Well it is your birthday and sadly we have to be at the shop." He explained.

"I think I'm going to do some painting today. I told you both that I don't celebrate my birthday." I looked pointedly between the twins. George frowned slightly and Fred nodded in defeat.

"Dinner with the family tonight at least?" Fred asked. I smiled and nodded towards him.

"That I can agree too." He gave a small smile and kissed me lightly on the lips before they left to tend to the shop. I never noticed that Mrs. Weasley was standing in the doorway watching us.

"Happy birthday, dear." She announced her presence. I turned towards her direction with a small smile. She smiled back. "Mind helpin' out?" I nodded and followed her out to a small patch of garden. I loved coming out here. The only time I was allowed to be outside growing up was when I was staying under the Malfoy's care. I began helping water the garden while she gathered up eggs.

"Mrs. Weasley?" I asked her as I watched her gathering the eggs. She paused and smiled at me. "Thank you." I chewed on the inside of my cheek as tears tried to fall. I was so grateful that they took me in, that they let me stay with their son, for all of what they've done for me. She shook her head while swatting her hand in my direction.

"We're glad to have you here, dear. Fred has never been so well-behaved." I laughed with her.

I was helping Mrs. Weasley set up the table since everyone would be home for holiday as well. Hermione and Harry would be joining us as well. I had just set the last plate down when Fred hugged me from behind. I smiled and leaned back against him while he kissed me on the cheek. Just then the Golden Trio made their way into the room. I ran and hugged them all, then I was dragged off by the other two girls for a quick gab session. This caused Fred to pout slightly.

"I just got home to her though!" He complained which made us giggle.

"You've had her all of these past months! We haven't seen her in forever!" Ginny retorted back to him.

Hermione kept looking at my hand causing me to crease my brows at her. "What on earth are you looking at Hermione?" She startled at my question while Ginny smacked her arm lightly. I looked between the two.

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