"Frodo!" I cried, but when Aragorn lifted him up, I realized that he was still breathing. No blood was on his white shirt. I furrowed my brow,

"He's alive!" Sam was relived,

"I'm alright, I'm not hurt." Frodo reassured us,

"You should be dead. That spear would've skewered a wild boar." Aragorn looked at him in disbelief,

"I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye." Gandalf walked towards Frodo. Frodo opened his shirt, and I noticed a silver chain mail under it,

"Mithril!" Gimli looked at the hobbit in awe, "You are full of surprises master Baggins."

I heard a screeching noise come from outside,

"To the Bridge of Khazad-Dum!" Gandalf instructed us. We all ran out of the room, and faced the thousands of Goblins that surrounded us. They were all around us. I noticed that even more were above us. I kept running for my life, I do not think I had ever run this fast before. Wrong. I thought to myself. I had. Once before, when I was running to save Legolas from the pale orc. I nodded the memory away, concentrating on the present. We had been completely ambushed. All of a sudden, a low, horrific growl emerged from far away. The Goblins that were surrounding us ran in fear. What could be so terrifying, that the orcs would go running,

"What is this new Devilry?" Boromir whispered,

"A Balrog." Gandalf answered. Fear shot through me. A Balrog. One of the few things that Elves truly feared, "A demon of the ancient world." I looked to see the same fear that I felt, in Legolas' expression, "This foe is beyond any of you. Run!"


Legolas POV~

"A Balrog." I felt a wave of panic and fear engulf me. A Balrog had once slain one of the Elves most renowned warriors, Glorfindel, "A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you." I glanced over at Emerin, who seemed to be shifting her gaze away from me, "Run!" Gandalf cried. I couldn't help but quickly grab Emerin's hand, and bolted after Aragorn. Emerin seemed surprised at my sudden gesture. I would not allow anything to happen to her. Not while I still drew breath. We all ran frantically towards a cavernous area, with many stairs and bridges. As we ran, Boromir nearly fell to his death, but Aragorn quickly grabbed him, pulling him back,

"Lead them on Aragorn," I heard Gandalf tell Aragorn, "the Bridge is near..." Aragorn seemed to be considering what Gandalf was telling him, "Do as I say!" Gandalf pushed Aragorn away from him, leaving Aragorn bewildered, "Swords are of no more use here."

We all began to quickly but carefully make our way through the countless stairs and bridges. We came to a point where there was a chunk of the stairs missing. I quickly wrapped my arm around Emerins waist, and before she could protest, I lifted her up and jumped across. When I got to the other side, I set her down, looking away from her frustrated expression, "Gandalf!" I urged him to jump. He jumped across and I grabbed his arm to help him steady himself. Goblins began to shoot at us. Emerin quickly shot at it, hitting it right in the head, killing it. Next, Boromir grabbed Pippin and Merry, and jumped across. Aragorn quickly tossed Sam over and I caught him. He went to grab Gimli, but the Dwarf had to much pride,

"Nobody tosses a Dwarf." He quickly snapped. He jumped across, and nearly fell, but I was able to grab his beard and pull him up, "Not the beard!" He screamed.

The steps beneath Frodo and Aragorn began to crumble. The had to step back. The piece of stairs that they were on, began to fall forwards. They quickly jumped to our side, and barely made it. We all continued to run. At last, we were near the bridge,

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