Chapter 8

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You entered the building and met your coworkers, including Holly Gennero who guided you through the ropes and told you everything. She was quite cute you thought but pushed that out of your mind, you couldn't become too attached with these people, seeing as you knew they were all going to be kept hostage.

In your lunch break, you managed to go around the building and explore. You also found a map of the entire complex at the bottom of the building where the building work hub was. You stuffed it into your bag and grinned, walking up the stairs again and back to the office which you were given to work.

The office was airy but small, with a beautiful view of LA, you could see your hotel and wondered what Hans was doing, probably messaging Karl or out touring some museum. You sighed and went back to the paperwork. It was dull but you did it for Hans.

Soon the day was over and Holly congratulated it with a small cupcake. You thanked her for it and took a bite. "This is delicious" you said.

"I have the biggest critics, which are my children" she said. "I always have to make sure that they are kept happy and full of cake."

"May I take another for my husband?" you asked.

"Take the box" she said, pushing it toward you. "I heard you are in a crisis with living arrangements" she said sadly.

"Yeah, we have been staying in a hotel and we are going to look at houses over the weekends," you said.

"Well if you ever need a place to stay, know I have a spare room"

"You are so kind" you said.

"It is my pleasure" she said. "Oh and it's wonderful that you started work so soon to our Christmas party," she said.

"You have a Christmas party?" you asked, lying about not knowing.

"Yes, you can bring your husband" she said. "What is his name again?"

"Christopher" you said

"Its quite unusual to have an English name and German-surname" she said,

"That was exactly what I said when I met him" you said. "He is German-born, but his parents wanted to name him after his English great uncle you see"

"So where did you two meet?" she asked. "I love hearing about relationships"

"We met at the opera" you said. "A bit random I know. Turn of the Screw I believe"

"I don't know what that opera is" she said.

Of course, she didn't. You smiled. "If you ever wanted to know about it I can explain the plot"

You suddenly heard a notification sound and Holly picked up her phone and rolled her eyes. "Sorry" she said, "got to take this. You have a good night, I suggest Pizzaria Mozza as a place to eat" she said and went into her office.

You picked up the cakes and got into the elevator. You were tired from the days of work and your stomach churned for pizza. Leaving the lift you walked toward the entrance where Hans sat in the car which you had hired that morning. You sat and placed the box on your knee.

"What is that?" Hans asked, staring at it like it was some kind of bomb.

"It's three cakes" you said simply.

"(y/n)" Hans said, starting the car. "I told you not to get to close to these people"

"I can't refuse cake" you said, crossing your arms. "Both because it was to celebrate me starting working there and also because I like cake. If you don't want the two I kept for you then I will just eat them all" You opened the box and Hans immediately dipped his hand and took one, biting into it

You rolled your eyes and closed the box again, watching Hans as he drove, the cake in his hands.

"The woman who made those cakes also mentioned a pizza place" you said. Hans didn't reply and you sighed. "I am quite hungry" you said. Hans pulled into the carpark and got out.

"Then I will get room service" he said simply. "I was waiting for you to tell me you did something of use today"

"What if I give you something which will make us go get pizza?" you asked.

"And what would that be?" he asked, locking the car and walking towards the entrance.

"Give me a second and I will show you" you said.

Hans sighed and you both got into the lift, going up to the floor and entering the hotel room.

"So" Hans said flatly.

You dug the blueprints out of your bag and placed it on the table. Hans smirked and went over, picking them up and analysing them. "This is what I wanted" he said, smirking. "It has everything including the vents"

"You see I did do something of use" you said, crossing your arms.

"I didn't mean to offend you dear" he said, not looking up from the plans.

"Of course you didn't" you said, sighing.

"We will get that pizza you wish for" he said, looking up at you.

"Thanks, Hans" you said, walking to the bathroom. "I am going for a shower" you called.

Hans looked up and nodded while you went into the bathroom and stripped your clothes off, stepping into the shower you let the hot water wash over you.

Suddenly the door opened and Hans walked in, he picked up a book, looked at you, smirked and left. You went red and quickly finished the shower. Leaving you shot a look at Hans who was reading the book on the bed.

"You could have knocked" you said.

"You probably wouldn't have heard" he muttered, flipping a page

You sighed and got clothes to get into.

"Oh, and by the way, you have a very beautiful body" he said, flipping another page. You went red and went to the bathroom, getting changed and leaving to see him getting his jacket on.

"You mentioned some pizza?" he asked.

"I did" you said.

"Come on then" he muttered.

You grinned and took his outstretched hand and walked out of the hotel with him.

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