I slowly hug him and he turns and hugs me back crying on my shoulder, we just sit there for a few moments till he calms down a bit.

"Come on we'll go and quickly complain against Brittany to the Principal then she can't hurt you again.", I said looking at him reassuringly.

"N-No, it's my fault", he said as he started wiping his tears away and tried to stand but didn't succeed because of the pain.

"What do you mean it's your fault! She came and hurt you, it's her fault. She is bad!", I said in disbelief not understanding why Dimples is taking the blame on himself.

"N-No Princess it's my fault, I didn't complete the essay at time that's why she h-hurt me....I deserved it.", He whispered as he couldn't speak properly because of the unbearable pain.

"Lucas, it's her fault!! How difficult is it to you to understand that and you don't deserve it she deserves worst" I said desperately trying to make him understand but he was just not agreeing.

"We can't tell anyone about this. Please don't tell anyone please", he begged softly as tears flow down his face.

"Okay I won't tell anyone but we need to take you to the nurse, your skin is already started turning blue.", I said as tears filled my eyes again looking at him.

"It's okay princess, I'm alright.... Nothing worst like the previous time", he said whispering the last part as if I wasn't suppose to hear that.

"Please just for me, let's go to the nurse", I begged trying to convince him to just get help somehow.

"I-I can't.... he'll ask too many questions then everyone will know I can't let that happen. Everyone will know how bad I am" He said his voice almost cracking at the end.

"Your not bad you are the kindest and best person I have ever met, so please let's go to the nurse please", I said trying convincing him again.

"I c-cant please don't force me princess please...", He said as he wrapped his arms around his legs almost like he was trying to protect himself.

"Okay I won't, but will you come with me to my home. I'll try to clean your cuts and bandage you. Please or else your wounds might get infected.", I plead softly trying not to make him anymore scared than he already is.

"Okay", he said as he slowly managed to stand up.

He tried to walk but fell back on the floor again whimpering in pain, I quickly ran and helped him back up before supporting him as we walked out of the school.

I don't think Dimples will be able to walk all the way to my home and I can't support him for too long, the pain in my back is slowly becoming unbearable.

I wish Dami was here he always helps me in every problem. I wish I could just call him......call him!!!

"Dimples do you have a phone??", I asked hopefully.

" Yes, why??", He replied looking at me weirdly.

"So I can call for help", I said softly trying to ignore the pain in my back.

"Princess how many times should I tell you, it was my fault you don't need to tell anyone. Just forget about it, it never happened!", He said a bit angrily.

"I was actually thinking of calling someone to pick us up from school so we can go to my house.", I muttered softly not wanting to make him mad at me.

"Okay", he said a bit unsure before passing me his phone. I make him sit down on the pavement as he couldn't stand anymore.

I quickly dial Dami's number as I waited for him to pick up the call.

Ring-Ring Ring-Ring Ring-Ring Ring-Ring-


Wait, What should I say!? How should I start?? Dummy why didn't I think about it before calling!

"Hello? Is this a prank call cause if it is your DEAD!"



"Uh- yes speaking! I mean are you free now?"

"Yes, what happened?"

"Um..can you come to school and pick me up?"

"Sure sunshine but are you alright? Did someone trouble you....I'm going to kill that stupid kid!", He said as I heard him start the car.

"C-can you come fast...", I whispered as tears gather again in my eye, remembering the previous incident.

"Okay give me a few minutes, I'll be there, stay safe ok"

"Okay, see you soon"

"Soon sunshine very soon", he said as he cut the line.

»»------- ♡ -------««

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