Love Runs Out

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"Alessa!" Brady called into the empty night, I had already mounted, Stellé, my horse and I was trotting away and out of the gravel driveway. I flicked my hand-held torch on, illuminating the doorstep of  Brady's home. He shielded his eyes his his palm before stepping forward an inch. "Alessa please, I didn't mean it! I love you, you know that."

I scoffed, "puh-lease, if you loved me, you would have been there for me when I need it most! You never loved me! It was a damned bet Brady, a stupid dare to see how quickly I would fall for you. Josh told me everything. I hate you!" I stroked Stellé's head and whispered gently to her. For some reason, this horse always seemed to be listening to me and constant;y surprised me with always doing what I asked. Stellé took off and sped away, out of the haunting glare of the two story house where I made many friends and memories. That was what I thought anyway. I couldn't believe he would stoop that low, I mean faking a relationship with one of the most self-conscious people in the town? Way to prove your manliness. Mostly I couldn't believe I fell for the bad boy. Maybe I should have been fawning over Prince Thomas like all the other girls. He's pretty good looking with his windswept blonde hair and those gorgeous blue eyes. Maybe everything would have been so much better if my aunt didn't take me away from my home, that unfaithful night, then I would probably be living with Tommy, my best friend. I shook my head, freeing my thoughts of those unwanted memories and ideas. They all gave up looking for me years ago.

No stop Alessandra! I scolded myself, pinching my arm to stop myself from thinking. sometimes I over thought and made sticky situations worse. That's too many "maybes" what I needed is some more confidence. More self esteem. There, I liked the sound of that. More. It was officially my new favourite word. I needed More confidence in my own life and I need More treats for Stellé, otherwise she's run out of steam. I'd be stuck on the road to my town all night. What would the place guard think?
"Hello, sir, I've been stuck here all night, right next to the walls of the place which I can easily climb. Can you help me?"

No. That wouldn't do at all. I would probably be arrested and need More money than ever as all of my family's money would be gone, used for getting me out of iron chains. More Kingdom money would be used thus More hours of me working tirelessly in the bakery to pay off the debts. I changed my mind, More, is most definitely NOT my favourite word anymore. I press the small red button on my radio that broadcasted only the events of Nevania's news. My father made it for me before he passed away so I could always know if there was an emergency anywhere in the Kingdom.

"Reports of a carriage crash on the Dustpaths to the northwest roads of Nevania claim that the carriage, carrying Prince Thomas Blakeston is no where to be seen. If the Prince or the carriage is seen, please call 255 immediately and a reward shall be given. There will of course be guidelines for this but you should not be thinking about the reward and the reward only. The safety of our future King must be the first priority. Remember, 255 is the emergency number. I'm John Balck and this has been Blakeston news." 

I sighed in disbelief, who would be stupid enough to cause the crash? The Prince once found would most definitely put the kingdom's best detectives to the case and once found, the culprit would be hung! Never mind, it wasn't my ideal thing to do tonight. He stopped caring about me, why should I care about him? A new reporter started to chat about how well the Blakeston Kingdom has been with it's gold and minerals found in the mountains. Looking down to turn the device off, I didn't see the oncoming carriage and realise how fast, Stellé was running.

I heared the sound of Stellé as the wieght of the carriage fell on her and then roll onto me. The reigns snapped backwards and my body jerked forward. The strap cut against the delicate, tissue paper-like skin on my neck. I felt the skin break and something warm dribbled down my chest. My head lolled back and the sound stretched and ripped even more. Red substance gushed out of the hideous wound but no pain came. The cut was like a happy, smile, stretched wide. My vision started to fuz but the sound of footsteps entered my ears faintly. There was a ringing, a beautiful sound that came from a light in the distance. I tried to reach the light with my fingertips but nothing would move apart from the occasional violent jerk of a untamed limb. Black spots invaded and I wondered if the apocalypse had finally arrived. A few seconds before my body gave way to the sparkling light, I saw a silhouette of someone creep up in my peripheral vision. He looked worried. His forehead had creases on it and I thought I recognised him from somewhere but I just couldn't pinpoint his pretty face. The last thing I heard was him yelling for help and the feeling of his hands on mine as he begged me to stay with him. But I just couldn't. I couldn't.

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