Chapter 31

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Jai aparted the hug.

Jai (out of blue): How you met accidental?
Ash: Oh yaa! You and anu were together nah. Then how you got this much hurt and she is fine?

Anuneet locked at each other and gulped

Ash: Say
Jai (warning tone): Don't you dare to lie

Anu looked at avi and avi nodded.

Anu (scared): While returning I was driving and avi was beside me. A car was irritating me in driving. So I thought to overtake and when I did that. Same car crash with our car from Avi's side then window of car broke and hits avu
Avi (smiling like idiot): That's it bhai, ash

Everyone glared anuneet.

Jai (final tone): From today you (pointing avi) and reem aren't gonna get car neither you both are allowed to travel with your friends
Ash (glaring anu): So you anu. No need of car for your driving
Reem (gritting her teeth): It was Avneet's fault. Don't drag me
Jai: I know you both are same. Today she did this. Tomorrow you. So no. I will drop you both college.
Sid (joining jai): I will drop you back home from college

Avi glared Sid

Jai (firmly): Don't glare him. It's your fault. He will drop you guys
Reem (controlling her anger): Anu, Avu see I too lost car cause of you both

Anuneet roll her eyes.

Jai (cups Avi's face): Stop behaving like kid. You too know avu. After mom dad you are only one for me as my mom dad's sign of love. You know when I lost mom dad. I don't even knew how to talk properly but avu I still remember mom's last word avu. She didn't asked me for promise to keep you safe or anything. She just told me one thing that was my princess will be there with you whenever you need me or your dad just look at our princess. From that time I always used to do that. I can see my mom dad in you. Once in orphanage when someone came to adopt you. You were just 8months old. You know that time a 4 year old boy wanted to die. Cause thought loosing you was killing me from inside. Now if anything happened to you avu. Your brother will also die. I won't be able to take other breath. Avu as brother or your whole if I ever didn't came up with your expectations please forgive me (joining his hands, tears roll down on his cheeks) but don't do such games to this creep games and kill me till death. I am not against your fun or enjoyment I promise princess

Everyones eyes were filled with tears. Avi didn't said anything but she hug Jai tight and broke down. Driving fast may be is a type of enjoyment for few minutes but always keep one thing in mind. Someone is waiting for you at home.

Just then nurse came in

Nurse (panicked): This much crowd isn't allowed. All go from here now only. Patient need rest. So everyone go or else I will call security.

Everyone bid bye to avu and left

Skips to 4 months.

It's sidneet wedding day. They are gonna marry in Christian Style. At church. Avu's studies are completed now. Reem is 2months pregnant. She took maternity leave from job. No one knows about Avu, Reem, Anu, Harshnoor being cheka. Neither no one know the reality of sid's dad except Nigam brothers and Sm.

At sid's home. Sid was getting ready when abhi barged in

Abhi (smirk): Our groom is ready?
Sid (nodded): Bhai before marriage I want to share truth to avu

Abhi make him Sit on bed

Abhi (sighed): Sid if you want you can but do you think later avu's brother will let her marry you? Leave jai. Do you think we will let marry kiyu?
Sid: No bhai. I know bhai but I don't want to start my relation with a lie
Abhi: You remember how kiyu and vaishu reacted after seeing blood stains on Mr Nigam's shirt. When he came drunk after murdering someone?
Sid (held his face in hands): I do bhai
Abhi: Avneet is also one of them. How she will trust you? Will she marry you after knowing?
Sid: I don't know
Abhi: Don't share now. Later when we Mr. Nigam will be punished for his sins we will tell everything to vaishu, kiyu, and avu

Sid nodded and smiled

Abhi (smiled): Let's go your bride is waiting

They both went and sat in car to go to church

To be continue.....

Do you think sidneet will marry?

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