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"Hello?"   Tian answers the phone, a little confused, and hissing from accidentally burning his hand from the potato he just took out from the microwave. 

"Hello, may I speak with Mr. Seetian, please?"

"This is he. May I know who I'm speaking with?"

"Yes, this is Mr. Sirivadhanabakdi, the executive assistant to the director of the Department of Agriculture,"

"Good day, sir. Is there something important you wanted to tell me?"

"Straight to the point, good. I'm calling to give you a warning,"

"A warning? I'm sorry, I don't quite understand. Did  I do something wrong?"

"Depends. You have done some 'damages' on government property?"

"Damages on government property? Wait, this is the Dept of Agriculture, right? Did I burn down a forest or something?"

"Almost. Let's just say you burned 'marks' on a certain property of the unitary government,"

"Burned... marks? You lost me. I'm not sure I understand,"

"Are you familiar with an individual named Phupha?"

"Phupha? Yes, I know him. He's a friend,"

"Okay, and so you know that Phupha is a forest ranger right?"

"Yes. And?"

"And you're aware that as a forest ranger, he is with the government,"

"Okay, and?"

"So basically, he's government property,"

"And what does this have to do with me?"

"There are 'marks' on the said government property,"

"What kind of marks?"

"I think you know what I'm talking about,"

"I may have an idea, but I can be wrong,"

"You left hickeys on Phupha, Khun Seetian,"

"I did what?"

"You left hickeys,"

"That's impossible. We're not... smooching"

"What? Really? Wait a second-," Tian hears ruffling on the other side of the receiver, and he was pretty sure the phone was slammed down on the table.

But he hears it. It was faint, very far, but he hears it.

"You said you like him,"

"That does not mean we're together P',"

"But he left you hickeys!"

"We were drunk,"

"There's no way THAT came from intoxicated kissing Phu. You have hickeys the size of Texas on your goddamn throat,"

"P'! Please stop making a big deal out of this,"

"Phupha, you've had a crush on him for years. Years. What the hell are you waiting for?"

At this point, Seetian has heard enough. He knows he was not supposed to hear that, but he already did.

He ends the call and bites his lips. He's got some words for a green giant.

But first-

"Dang it! The potato's cold again," Tian exclaims.


All comments, suggestions, criticisms, fangirling, are very welcome! Please tell me what you guys think. Haha

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Until then,

Ciao Bellas!

Leaving Minor Damages (And How to Get Away With It)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon