Chapter 19

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Callum's P.O.V.

The next evening I was at Missy's house. We were meant to be having a relaxing evening but all we could hear was the screaming coming from next door.

"What's going on with them?" I asked.

"Nas told everyone that it was Razia who stabbed her," Missy answered.

"Bet that went down well with Mrs Paracha," I said.

"You don't say," Missy laughed.

"Should we go see if they're alright?" Hayley asked.

"Yeah," Missy said. We walked next door hand in hand (me and Missy not Hayley). 

"What is going on with you two and this girl?" Mrs Paracha asked her daughters. They both ignored her.

"Missy Booth, tell me. What is happening?" Mrs Paracha asked, "That Sam girl she is a violent."

"Well violent," Missy agreed.

"And she's a moody," Mrs Paracha added.

"Well moody," Missy said. Mrs Paracha was about to start speaking when she realised what was going on. 

"Sam's my girlfriend," Nas told everyone. 

"She's your girlfriend. Oh," Mrs Paracha said. Nas was lucky that her Mum was so supportive about everything. Razia on the other hand wasn't so much. 

"Mum! How are you not kicking off?" Razia asked as she got out her seat.

"It's alright, putre. I been to Hebden Bridge," Mrs Paracha said. I didn't get how Hebden Bridge had anything to do with it. 

"Sam Murgatroyd's your girlfriend? You're a lesbian?" Razia asked Nas.

"Raz, come on. This ain't easy for her," Missy said. 

"Are you lesbian as well?" Saleem asked Missy.

"What? What the... no. Shut up," I said. 

"Look she isn't exactly my number one choice for you either but..." Missy trailed off.

"Can't help who you fall for, can you?" Nas muttered. 

"No, no you can't," Mrs Paracha agreed. Their Nana then said something that I had no idea what it meant. Everyone else seemed to understand her but I was baffled.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Follow your heart and take your head with you. That's what that means," Nas said.

"That's beautiful," Missy said. 

"Well I'm packing up my stuff," Razia said as she left the room.

"Why?" Nas asked.

"Because I'm moving into Nana's room," Razia said and they resumed shouting at each other. Mrs Paracha made dinner and it was honestly the most delicious thing I have ever eaten.

"Do you not get bloody fed at home?" Mrs Paracha asked whilst I got myself some more kebabs. 

"This is honestly the nicest thing I have ever eaten," I said as I took another bite. Mrs Paracha and Missy laughed. Razia and Hayley were upstairs packing up Razia's stuff and Nas was sitting in the corner looking annoyed.

A week later, I was putting my kit in my locker after P.E. when I felt someone's arms wrap around me.

"Alright?" I asked as I spun around to look down at my girlfriend.

"I'm good. I was just wondering if you would be happy to set up Hayley's party with me?" Missy asked.

"Oh yeah of course," I said. I went around after school and we actually had a lot of fun putting up streamers and decorations. People started arriving and their house was packed. I was helping Saleem DJ because dancing really isn't my thing. 

"Oh come on you've got to dance," Missy begged. She pulled me onto the dance floor and I started dancing with her. 

"Gonna give your girlfriend a smooch?" Hayley asked.

"Err well alright," I said as I kissed Missy. The party was really good fun but Naveed was so drunk. He couldn't walk in a straight line and he kept bumping into everyone.

"Man watch it," I yelled at him when he bashed into Missy.

"It's alright babe," Missy said as she put a hand on my chest. I managed to get away from dancing and went back to help Saleem at the decks. Naveed stumbled in and fell over. The music cut out and I'd had enough of him.

"What are you doing?" I yelled as I grabbed him by his collar. 

"Whoa!" loads of people shouted.

"You're making a nuisance of yourself," I shouted. Missy pulled me away from him.

"Right, you're out! Riz, Cory get him out now," Missy shouted. They both ran over and helped Naveed to the door. Once he was gone, Missy turned and kissed me on the lips. After that the night went smoothly.

"Wanna play never have I ever?" Zain asked. We all agreed and he poured everyone a shot.

"Never have I ever had sex," Clint said. Me and Missy looked at each other. She shrugged and we both downed the shot. 

"Oooo," everyone cheered.

"Never have I ever got drunk," Hayley said. Everyone around the table downed the shot. 

A little while later most people had left.

"Wanna stay the night?" Missy asked.

"Sure," I replied. I think Mum had gone out so she wouldn't mind. I was exhausted and my head hurt but that very quickly changed when we got upstairs. 

A/N: Again this is so cringy but not as bad as if I attempted smut so I'm afraid you're stuck with this.

The next morning Missy shook me awake. 

"Morning," I said as I kissed her.

"Morning," she said, a huge grin on her face. We walked to school together and I went looking for Mum. I couldn't find her anywhere until lunchtime. 

"One sec," I said to Zain and Mo and I walked over to her.

"Hope I didn't keep Rashy out too late?" this woman was saying to Mum.

"Oh no I was sparko by the time he got back. Wasn't I dear?" Mum said to Mr Hyatt. My jaw dropped. Chloe had told me that Mum had company last night but him of all people.

"Err Mum," I said, interrupting their conversation. 

"This is my son, Cal," Mum told the woman.

"Nice to meet you Calvin," the woman said.

"Callum," I corrected. Mr Hyatt and the lady walked off and I looked at Mum.

"You and Mr Hyatt? No way!" I said.

"Keep your voice down," Mum said as she basically dragged me from the canteen.

"I was doing him a favour," Mum told me once we were alone.

"That is one hell of a favour," I said. Mum smacked my shoulder and I ran off laughing.

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