Chapter 5

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Callum's P.O.V.

The next day I waited with Jordan at his locker. Me and Chloe hadn't spoken to Mum yet. Mr Bell came over and handed Jordan a DNA kit. He needed to make sure the kid was his or something like that.

"How am I meant to get a swab if she won't let me see him?" Jordan asked Mr Bell and he walked off. Mr Bell looked slightly annoyed but I don't know why.

"You get to form," Mr Bell told me and I walked off. I got to my normal seat and Missy was acting dead weird.

"You alright?" I asked her. She didn't seem to hear what I said. I nudged her.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine," she told me, unconvincingly. I knew she was lying but I didn't push it. I went to rugby after school. Mr Bell had increased the number of practices because apparently Sadiq had got us a game. Our team was shambles but it was fun at the very least. Once practice was over, I went to the car and waited for Mum and Chloe.

"How was school?" Mum asked. We both ignored her. When we got home, I ran straight to my room and did some homework.

Knock! Knock!

I looked up and Mum was standing there. Nothing could make me listen to her.

"I made tacos," she said. Apart from that. 

"We need to talk," Mum told me.

"About what?" I asked. She came into the room and sat on my bed.

"About everything," Mum said. I rolled my eyes. Oh God I'm turning into Chloe.

"Look I know that I can't change anything that I did or didn't do but I'm here now. For good," Mum said. I forgave her. Chloe would of killed me for getting over it so quickly but Mum had made tacos.

"It's fine. I'll just post more of your holiday photos online," I said. She laughed and pulled me into a hug. 

"Those tacos aren't going to eat themselves," I said as I stood up and started to go downstairs. 

The next day I was sitting in my normal seat but Missy wasn't in.

"Oi mate you going rugby?" Jordan asked. I was about to answer when a ball of paper hit me smack in the face. It was Mo and Zain.

"OI!" Jordan shouted.

"Bro leave it," I said but as soon as Ms Shariff had looked away I threw the ball back. We spent the next 20 minutes throwing it back and forth and in the end it turned into a game. Ms Shariff did not like the game when the ball hit her in the back of the head.

"Do you 4 need to take a minute outside?" she asked us.

"No, miss," we all said.

"Sorry about attacking you," I said to Mo a bit later.

"It's fine bro," he replied.

"You playing football at lunch?" Zain asked.

"Yeah. You?" I answered.

"Yeah man," he told me. We were all chatting and laughing when Hayley got up and screamed at Ms Shariff. The whole class was oohing as she stormed out the room. Something was going on with those sisters. I just knew it. I know it sounds daft but I needed to get sent to isolation. Year 10 me would of freaked out at this idea but not now. Miss came over and I tried to think of a way to get sent out.

"Yes yes my bitch," I said as I put my fist up for a fist bump.

"I beg your pardon," she shouted. The whole class was looking and laughing.

"Yes yes my bitch," I repeated.

"Isolation off you go," she told me. My plan had worked. I grabbed my bag and walked there. The part I hadn't thought out was that Mum was on duty.

"Cal?" she asked. Hayley turned and looked at me.

"Hi," I said as I sat in the booth next to Hayley. She ignored me.

"You alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine," she said.

"You two be quiet," Mum said. I knew something wasn't right but talking to Hayley was like getting blood out of a stone. I gave up and just sat there until it was time for rugby. Mum was not happy about me getting isolation. 

"What did you do?" she asked as we ate dinner that night. I didn't say anything.

"Why did you do it?" Mum asked.

"You don't even know," I told her. I hadn't told her and I didn't plan on telling her any time soon. Mum turned to Chloe for an answer.

"He called Ms Shariff a bitch," Chloe told her.

"Oh for Gods sake," Mum muttered. 

"Oh fuck you," I said to Chloe as I stormed out the room.

"CALLUM!" Mum shouted. Chloe and Mum followed me.

"Well she was going to find out some how," Chloe protested.

"I thought you had my back," I said.

"Well you did it," Chloe shouted.

"Oh whatever," I shouted as I slammed my bedroom door.

The next day I was walking with Mum and Chloe across the quad. I wasn't speaking to them. We walked past Hayley and she barged into Mum. 

"Say sorry then," Chloe told Hayley.

"Get out of my face!" Hayley shouted.

"I'm nowhere near your ugly face," Chloe told her. That girl never learns. Missy was back in school and she looked pissed.

"Leave her alone," Missy told Chloe as she grabbed her blazer.

"Don't go causing trouble now," Nas said to Missy. Trouble now? What had happened with them.

"Let her go Missy," Mum told her.

"She's asking for a slap," Missy yelled.

"Whatever she's done it's not worth getting yourself in trouble for," Mum said. 

"It probably is worth it," I muttered. Mum and Chloe glared at me but I saw a smile creep onto Missy's face. She let go of Chloe.

"Go wait in my room Missy," Mum told her.

"She just threatened me," Chloe said.

"Don't Chlo," Mum warned her. Chloe stormed off and I followed her.

"There's something going on with those girls," Mum told Chloe.

"They're phsycos," Chloe said. Mum left to talk with Missy and I went to form with Chloe.

"Thanks for the help," Chloe spat.

"Oh what did you want me to do? Smack her?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"Well, I ain't going to help a grass," I told her.

"Oh whatever," she said as she pushed me away to get to form.

"Don't push me," I shouted. Mr Bell heard the yelling and ran to see what was happening.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

"She/he started it," we yelled at the same time.

"Fuck off you started it," we said as we turned to face each other.

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