Trial 5 - Charlotte

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The black mist once again took me into the trial grounds. This time, I found myself in some kind of research lab.

There were dead scientists everywhere. I wonder what happened to them?

I didn't want to know.

I was about to start working on a generator when I heard a roar reverberating across the trial grounds.

I didn't know what it was from, and I didn't want to know.

I quickly started to repair the generator, but it still took quite a long time for me to complete it.

And before I knew it, a pit in the ground opened up, and a horrific beast climbed out.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed, immediately running in the other direction.

The thing opened up its... face? I don't know how to describe this thing.

I had quite a lot of distance on it, but with one pounce, it shredded into my back.

It hurt. A lot.

Okay, next time I see it open up its face, I'm dropping a pallet.

As I stumbled away from the... thing, I could hear someone grunting in pain nearby.

I saw it open the flaps in its head again, but I didn't have anything near me I could use to break line of sight.

As a result, claws ripped into my back yet again, incapacitating me.

I heard the grunts of pain fade away.

Good, they managed to get away.

The creature then picked me up and hoisted me onto what was presumably its shoulder.

But then the survivor near me appeared at the end of the hall way, dashing forwards and shining a flashlight into...

The creature's face?

How does this thing see, anyway? It doesn't have any eyes.

Whatever the case, the beam of light allowed me to escape from the creature's grasp.

I ran towards the other survivor, and together, we ran as far away from the creature as we possibly could, with the other survivor turning around repeatedly to keep blinding it, causing it to run into walls and obstacles whilst chasing us.

We managed to lose it, and only then did we catch our breaths to talk.

"What the hell was that thing?" I asked the other survivor, who introduced herself as Nancy Wheeler.

"The Demogorgon. It leaves behind portals that it can burrow through. It can also pounce on you, but you probably already found that out." She gave me a quick rundown of the Demogorgon's abilities as she patched me up.

I nodded in understanding, and started to patch up her wounds as well.

But before the bleeding stopped, the Demogorgon burst from a wall.

It roared at us, and advanced.

Why didn't we hear the heartbeat?

Nancy's face dropped, "It has Tinkerer."

I decided not to ask and dropped a pallet onto the creature's head, causing it to recoil, but it didn't get stunned.

"AND Enduring. GREAT!" Nancy yelled in frustration, "It probably also has Nurse's Calling, if it found us that quickly."

We ran from the Demogorgon, but it's ability to pounce was very annoying, as it allowed the monster to catch up with us very quickly.

It slashed me across the back, giving me a minor speed boost.

But Nancy also got a speed boost.

Probably my perk.

We came across a T-Corridor.

"Split up!"  I yelled, turning left whilst Nancy turned right.

And it was just my luck that the Demogorgon focused on me.

Suddenly, two generators were completed, each one after the other.

I don't know what to do. It's gaining on me, fast, and I don't know how to deal with it.

I had a toolbox in my hand, but I exhausted the contents repairing that first generator.

I cast it to the side, since I didn't need it anymore, and kept stumbling along.

That creature was right behind me, and I had no choice but to dash forwards with my remaining strength, avoiding one of its swipes and making it to another pallet.

I dropped it almost immediately, I didn't want to risk the Demogorgon pouncing on me.

But then it pounced into the pallet and instantly broke it.

It can do that?!

God, that pounce ability is annoying.

But I had bigger things to deal with.

Like the monster right behind me.

I don't know what to do...

I'm out of stamina, it was all I could do to keep running.

Suddenly, I heard the sounds of the creature behind me opening its mouth again.

I abruptly turned to the right, just as the creature pounced, it flew past me, putting a lot of distance between us.

I dashed down a corridor as quickly as I could, listening to the familiar clinks of generators.

After the last one was repaired, I looked around, memorizing where the exit gates were.

But I wouldn't be able to get to them before the Demogorgon inevitably strikes me down and hangs me.

And just my luck. It knocked me down at a stairway, and there just so happens to be a hook on said stairway.

The monster picked me up, but then another survivor ran up the bottom flight of stairs, and shot the Demogorgon with a taser. With a logo that I'm all too familiar with.

It was a controlled-shock taser from Fazbear's.

The Demogorgon dropped me, but the taser blast also hurt me, and I was slow on my feet at first, but I was eventually able to shake off the electricity.

When I looked closely at the other survivor, I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

I didn't think that a detective would be in here.

"Yes, I know, Detective Tapp, at your service." He said, running slightly behind me to take a hit from the Demogorgon for me.

We passed a pallet, and I dropped it as soon as Detective Tapp went past it, slamming it on the Demogorgon's head and stunning it.

"Come on, there'a a gate over here!" I yelled to Tapp, leading him through the wide assortment of corridors.

When we finally reached the gate, Nancy was already opening it, along with Laurie.

"Laurie! I didn't see you the entire trial!" I exclaimed as we got closer.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for keeping that thing occupied, by the way. It gave us time to finish gens." She smiled as the gates slid open.

Tapp took a hit from the pouncing Demogorgon, but we all managed to get out alive.

Charlotte Emily Perk:
Guardian Angel

You inspire others to keep going when the situation is grim.
When another survivor is hit by the killer within 8 metres away from you, the survivor gains an extra 1/2/3 second longer speed boost unless they are put into the dying state.
When the killer hits you, all survivors within 8 metres away from you gain a 3%/4%/5% speed boost for 15 seconds.
"The others are under my protection." - Charlotte Emily (Possessing The Puppet)

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