Trial 4 - Michael

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I arrived in the trial grounds once again. This time, in what looks to be a farm.

I looked at the medkit in my hand. The one that Charlie insisted on me taking.

I smiled, shaking my head.

I walked quickly and quietly to a nearby generator, and started to work on it.

It took a while, but I was eventually able to complete repairing it, though I was hearing a lot of humming.

Suddenly, a hatchet flew at me.

I quickly dived out of the way, looking around frantically to see a large woman with a bunny mask and a massive ax.

I quickly ran away from her, but she kept throwing hatchets at me.

I was able to avoid some of them, but one of them dug into my back, and then... Shattered?

I didn't question it, but it did hurt like hell. I kept running.

After avoiding about eight hatchets total, she stopped throwing them.

I was wondering why, but then I realized.

She has a limited amount of hatchets.

I was injured, so she was going to commit to chasing me, but she couldn't throw anymore stupid hatchets at me, which was good.

Sadly, she was still faster than me, and started to gain distance on me.

I looked at the medkit in my hand, and sighed.

I still needed to complete the other generators and get everyone out alive.

Right on cue, another generator clinked, but it still wasn't enough.

After slamming a pallet on her head and running for a while longer, I got ready to do something incredibly stupid.

Once the hatchet woman was an arm's reach behind me, I turned around, and threw the medkit into her head with all my strength.

It was enough to stun her for a while, and I ran until I couldn't hear her humming anymore.

I think she gave up on chasing me.

I looked around, trying to use my second perk to find other people near me, and sure enough, someone was there, working on a generator.

I quickly stumbled over to them, grunting in pain as I did so.

She turned towards me, and quickly stopped repairing the generator to patch me up.

I later realized that this girl was one I had never seen before.

"Get on this gen, quickly. We need to get this done. Nice job keeping the Huntress distracted, by the way."

I nodded, focusing on repairing the generator, "So why exactly does she have hatchets?"

She sighed, "It's part of her, uh, quote-unquote, 'killer power'. Honestly, it's more like gear than a power. Point is, she can carry like five hatchets on her at a time, and she reloads them at lockers. Don't hide in lockers, is what I'm saying, it hardly ever helps. The only upside to her ranged ability is the fact that she moves slower as a consequence, so make sure to weave through trees, break line of sight, and just generally stay out of her sight. My name is Feng, by the way. Feng Min."

I committed all the information to memory, but I was so focused on remembering it I didn't notice the generator overheating.

When I realized, it was already too late. The generator exploded in my face.

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