"Jamie, this is my sister, Emma. She's really nice, and she likes art just like you do!" Jared comforts his child.

"Hi, Aunt Emma," the little boy says in the most quiet, shy voice. "Can I give you a hug?"

"Sure!" Jamie runs into my arms and I can't help but feel emotional.

"Do you want to color with me?" Jamie pulls away and sticks his thumb back in his mouth.

"I would love to. Mason, do you want to color too?" I ask.

"Sure! I'm not very good but Jamie is!" The boys get excited and show me to the kitchen table where crayons and coloring books are already set up.

"I've never seen Jamie accept someone so fast," Jared keeps me back, "He's usually a lot more apprehensive. He's going to really like you though, I can tell."

"I love them, Jared. You've done really good job raising them," I tell my brother who only responds with a sentimental smile.

When I get to the table, Jamie tells me where I can sit and hands me a Spiderman coloring book.

"You can choose a picture from here, it's my favorite coloring book but I can share with you," Jamie tells me sweetly.

"Thank you, Jamie. I think Spiderman is my favorite superhero too," I smile and search the crayon box for a red. Jamie is surprisingly good at coloring for his age. He stays inside the lines and there's consistency in his strokes. He's definitely going to be an artist.

"Are you going to have a baby?" Mason, who's been quiet until now, asks.

"Mason!" Jared shoots him a look, but I just laugh. My bump isn't huge yet, but it's definitely noticeable.

"I am going to have a baby, actually," I tell the children and whisper to Jared that it's okay he asked.

"So, does that mean we're going to have a cousin?" Jamie asks, curiously.

"Yeah! I don't know the gender yet, but you can call the baby, Charlie."

"Like Charlie Brown?" Jamie questions.

"I guess so, yeah!"

"Are you married?" Mason asks next, I can tell he the talkative type.

"I am, you have an Uncle Harry but he's at work so he couldn't come today." I tell them.

"That's cool," Mason says, getting back to his coloring page.

"Do you know who my favorite singer is?" Jamie asks.

"Who is it?" I respond, thinking I already know the answer.

"Harry Styles. It's funny, because your husband's name is Harry," Jamie says, concentrating on his work, "Do you know who he is?"

"I do," I grin, "he's my favorite singer too."

"Really! Daddy, she knows who Harry Styles is!" He pauses to tell his dad, "Are you actually a fan or do you only know two songs like my brother Mason?" Jamie may be quiet and reserved, but he is a very funny child to be around. Little does he know...

"I am a huge fan, probably his biggest fan," I tell Jamie. "What's your favorite song?"

"Sunflower! I also really like Kiwi, that's the one about babies, Mason," he tells his brother who doesn't acknowledge him.

"I think my favorite is Woman."

"That's a good one, too. Have you been to a concert before?"

"I've been to a few," I tell the boy, and he looks at me with his mouth wide open.

"Can you take me to one! Please!"

"I'm sure we can make that happen. Maybe you can even meet him sometime," I hint, and Jamie gets even more giddy than before.

Jamie, Mason, and I spend most of our time coloring and getting to know each other. They're really sweet boys. I wish they lived closer because I know it would be hassle for Jared to drive up to LA more than a few times a month. Far too soon, it's time for me to go. I thank Jared for having me, and I tell the boys that I'll see them soon and they can meet their Uncle Harry too.

Em: I'm headed back now! We have to visit them again soon!!! Also, Jamie absolutely loves you, it's adorable.

Harry: Woohoo!! I really can't wait to meet them. We should invite them all to our place this weekend.

Em: They would absolutely love that :) I'll tell Jared to bring the boys' swimsuits. I'll be home in about an hour and then can we eat tacos and watch Friends... please?

Harry: Sure, babe. I'll pick up tacos just in time for you to be home. I love you, drive safe x

Em: I love you too <3

As I pull into the driveway, I can see Harry peeking through the front window curtain. He looks like a literal child waiting for me to get home, it makes me blush. When I walk into the living room, I see that he's set up a plate of tacos from my favorite local Mexican grill for us and he has my favorite blanket spread on the couch, ready for our Friends marathon. I know it's basic, but Friends is just one of those shows that I could watch a million times and never get sick of it. It's also nice because I don't get upset if Harry and I get distracted while it's on.

"You are the best," I say, plopping on down on the couch, puckering my lips for my welcome home kiss.

"I know," Harry says cheekily, leaning into my kiss. "How was the drive? Were you comfortable?"

"It was fine. I listened to Midnight Memories on the way there and Four on the way back," I smile at Harry who shakes his head, "I did have to stop twice to pee both ways, though. It was just inconvenient because I have to wear that stupid jacket every time, I exit the car and it's so hot out right now."

"I'm sorry. Do you think it's worth it?" Harry asks, pulling me to sit between his legs as he leans against the length of the couch.

"I mean, it hides the bump, so I guess. I am looking forward to when we announce though, so I'm not as anxious when I go out. "

"Are you ready to tell people? Because I'm okay with it if that's what you want."

"Are you sure? It's going to cause a frenzy," I say, apprehensive about giving him the go to tell the entire world something so personal.

"I will, but no matter when people find out, I think it will get the same response. I just want you to be comfortable, so if you want to wait then we'll wait," he says.

"We don't really have any reason to be out, so I guess now is the best time," I shrug, "I'm kind of worried about getting mobbed."

"I'm worried about that too, but you're right as long as we don't go out then we know we'll be safe."

"Okay, how do you want to do this"

"Hmmm," Harry gets up from the couch and squats down in front of me with his phone out. "Pose with the tacos."

"With the tacos?" I laugh.

"Yeah! Just hold them up or something. I don't know, just look cute like you usually do."

"Okay..." I pose, holding the taco in one hand and my belly in the other. I feel silly but Harry assures me that this is the shot he wants.

"I think this is what I'm going to post on Twitter," Harry hands me his phone. The photo he just took is in black and white and the caption is: We love tacos here in the Styles household #eatingfortwo

"I love it, it's so you," I tell Harry, giving his phone back so he can click the tweet button. He sits back down next to me and we watch as the notifications flood in.




A/N: A lot happened in this chapter askdjgh but aren't Jamie and Mason adorable! I'll be posting another update soon!!!


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