Her worthless fucking Sight. Helpful until it's not, and it always chooses to be useless when we need it most.

Like finding a way for her to stay alive.

And unhelpful in many more ways. The book, the fucking worthless blank book that was supposed to save the wolves.

I'm going to burn that piece of shit.

I stalk angrily into the library, where I stashed the book once we got back from Dorian's that day.

Sure enough, the useless leather crap is sitting on the shelf where I left it.

My claws extended, I rip it out, and open it to tear the pages out one by one.

Only the blank book isn't blank anymore.

It's filled with words.

"What the fuck?" I whisper for the second time today, flipping through the pages, and see a drop of blood on one of them. Katrina's, from when her nose bled on it from a vision.

The blood glows slightly, and my shadows hiss, sensing something magical at work.

What the fuck.

I skim through the pages, until a heading makes my blood run cold.


I look around me, feeling uneasy for some reason in the empty library, and my shadows wrap tighter around me.

I begin reading the section.

One of the most unique instances of witch offspring is between a witch from a blood coven, and a werewolf.

As previously discussed (Re: Witch Beginnings Section, Paragraph 3) witches can only harness magic by drawing from something of nature. In the case of blood witches, they must drink blood in order to harness their power. If a blood witch attempts to use power without first consuming blood, the results can be catastrophic, often resulting in death.

When a blood witch mates with a werewolf, the offspring is always werewolf, due to the stronger nature of the wolf, that is guaranteed. However, magic remains in the bloodline for all of eternity, no matter how much werewolf blood dilutes it.

Not all offspring have magical powers, and most do not. Rarely will Hekate bestow the gift of magic on a werewolf with blood witch in their bloodline, but when she does, they are referred to as Seers, or Oracles in some cultures.

Seers range in power, some only given incredibly weak Sight (also known as Clairvoyance) in the form of mere intuition, whereas some Seers are incredibly powerful, having full prophetic visions. The stronger the Sight, the more blood the Seer will have to consume.

If the Seer does not consume blood, most times, they unknowingly sacrifice their own blood, usually causing them to decay, and their blood to die, drained from using their Sight. They will die slowly from the inside out, in severe pain. Due to their Sight being Gifted because of their blood coven heritage, the use of Sight always requires a blood sacrifice.

If the Seer does not know to consume blood, and most do not due to their lack of knowledge of their ancestry, then they run the risk of death or insanity. The stronger the Sight, the more likely the Seer is of dying. Therefore, blood consumption is necessary.

My breath hitches in my throat.

I know how to save Katrina.



My thumb wipes away a drop of blood from Katrina's eyes as she sleeps soundly, just as I had done in the office of the Blood Alpha what feels like forever ago.

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