13. Y Cubano Como Yo

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The day was turning into night while I was looking out the window wondering about how else could I had ended up here. Well we all know that.

The thought of saying 'Fuck Me' to Deion made me feel dirty. Not too dirty, but dirty to embarrass myself. What if he did hear what I said to him but ignored it anyway to avoid making me feel embarrassed.

The rusty metal chair began making my ass feel numb. I was wearing his all white t-shirt he gave me a couple days ago. I only had on my laced undies on. It is giving me one hell of a wedgie but I might as well get used to them sooner or later if I don't leave his house soon.

Deion wasn't home when I woke up this morning. I tried to look into his things while he was gone, but I decided to respect his privacy. I didn't even bother opening this wooden door that said 'KEEP OUT!" written in red paint. It looked a bit scary but it didn't bother me much to freak me out and leave without him knowing.

I grabbed the house phone again and thought about dialing Emily's number. I did miss her but It felt good being away from her too. The television was still turned on and I could hear the manly voice of an anchorman reporting live outside where all the snowstorm had hit.

"As you can see behind me Bill, it's going to take a lot more than salt to get rid of this snow." he turned around to view his surroundings. "We hope the roads will be clear sometime tomorrow or maybe sooner."

I looked away from the television and picked at the nail polish on my fingernail. I walked back and forth around the living room with my hands in my hair. I had a pretty good grip on them feeling the skin around the sides of my face lift.

It's almost nine at night and the news had been going on and on about this ridiculous snow storm. I had nothing better to do but read old magazines, and watch boring old TV shoes about nothing. Seriously, nothing entertained me at all. Only the nail polish on my fingernails helped me. I had fun playing with it too.

Time was ticking by slowly enough for me. I was falling halfway asleep on the couch tilting my head to the side.

Eyes rolling back and my lids closed slowly. I moaned trying to find a comfortable position to relax my head. I didn't feel like walking into the bedroom and crashing there. The couch was fine enough to relax on and fall into deep satisfaction. This couch is something special.

Twelve minutes settling into sleep I heard the door slam and it shocked me. I woke up rubbing my eyes wondering why the hell did it have to open so freaking loud. I furrowed my brows waiting for the shadow in the hallway to meet me in person. I was still laying on the couch with so much attitude, mentally cursing in my mind.

Deion came walking in with groceries in his hands. He looked mad. Upset at the world. Like someone pissed him off and he couldn't help it but to take out his anger on the door.

"Why do you have to be so loud?" Deion didn't look up at me. Instead he began unpacking the groceries and ignored me like I didn't even exist.

"De-" he cuts me off.

"If you needed a place to sleep, the bedroom was a better option." he finished unpacking the groceries and walked to the door that said 'KEEP OUT!'

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