Chapter 2: Alt + F4

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Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020



The Evening Whispers

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020


"Zombie Virus" from Africa May Have Reached Seattle


Seattle Groceries Distribution Problems Harms Local Restaurants


F.I.R.E Plans to Enforce Stricter Regulations to Manage Illegal Immigration


Start Day?


Y/n' Apartment



"Damn alarm, always ruining my sleep."

Waking up from your eternal slumber due to that annoying ringtone you begin your daily routine after waking up, which was: Wash your face, cook Breakfast, and Sleep- Wait.

Y/n - Finally, inner peace.

Before you could go back to your humble abode, a knock can be heard in your door.

Y/n - Or maybe not.

Walking towards the door and opening it you see a person holding a package.

Deliveryman - Hello there.

Y/n - General Kenobi.

Deliveryman - Hehe, anyways memes aside, are you Y/n L/n?

Y/n - *He Must've been sick* of course, why?

Deliveryman - Here *Gives the package to you* it was sent by, lemme see here-

Y/n - Ms Lavender I assume?

Deliveryman - Ah! yes her, anyways here's the package

Y/n - Thank you for delivering me this and have a safe trip. Bye!

Closing the door you letted out a chuckle.

Y/n - To think that all of this happened due to me saving her. Jeez.

Ms Lavender was known as one the most intelligent people in seattle due to her creating advanced automated machinery in the country though it's mainly used for factory and things which takes a toll on time. Many companies in the world invited her to join them but she kindly refused the offers due to her still having so many thing to plan in making. of course the companies were upset but they acknowledged her decision so they didn't bother her again. One night she decided to take for a walk due to the complications she had during one of her projects she was trying to do but what she didn't knew was the truck that was going straight towards her. She was so focused on something that she only noticed the truck only a few meters ahead of her. Closing her eyes she accepted her fate. Or that's what she thought it was.


"*Yawn* I really need to sleep right now"

The only thing you heard while walking througn the sidewalk was the sounds of cars moving in the middle of the night. Not that it mattered anyway. You were about to turn to the right when you heard a shout.

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