Another Song Fic Because I Can

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Unedited at 3 AM because why not
Background: Infinity War aftermath in the five years

There are moments that the words don't reach
There is suffering too terrible to name
You hold your child as tight as you can
And push away the unimaginable

Tony Stark was mad with grief, locking himself in the lab for days on end. There was no other way to deal with the crushing depression other then bottling it up and locking it within. The kid, HIS kid, had died.
They hadn't won.

The moments when you're in so deep
It feels easier to just swim down
The Stark's move uptown
And learn to live with the unimaginable

Coffee cups were stacked around the computers, bloodshot eyes constantly moving, calculating. He couldn't stop, not if there was a chance. Days turned into months, of going deeper and deeper.

I spend hours in the garden
I walk alone to the store
And it's quiet uptown
I never liked the quiet before
I take the children to church on Sunday
A sign of the cross at the door
And I pray
That never used to happen before

Tony would  tell Morgan tales of her older brother, and she would ask when she could meet him. Tony would just give a sad smile and say soon. The Compound Garden was beautiful. Tony would pick a hydrangea every day. It was Peter's favorite flower.

If you see him in the street
Walking by himself, talking to himself, have pity
Peter, you would like it uptown, it's quiet uptown

He is working through the unimaginable

Stark Industries launched dozens of new products, but nobody noticed how much it took from Tony, the hours spent locked in the tower. He'd always talk to Peter, running ideas past the air. It always took him a bit to realize Peter wasn't there.

His hair has gone grey
He passes every day
They say he walks the length of the city
You knock me out, I fall apart
Can you imagine?

Tony would walk around New York. The soreness from his legs distracted him from Peter temporarily. Every now and then, he'd cry, let it all out. The sadness, the pain.

If you see him in the street
Walking by her side, talking by her side, have pity
Eliza, do you like it uptown? It's quiet uptown
He is trying to do the unimaginable

Pepper now walked with Tony, comforting him when he broke down, lifting him up at his lowest points. She was there.

There are moments that the words don't reach
There's a grace too powerful to name
We push away what we can never understand
We push away the unimaginable
They are standing in the garden
Pepper by Tony's side
She takes his hand
It's quiet uptown
Forgiveness, can you imagine?
Forgiveness, can you imagine?
If you see him in the street
Walking by her side, talking by her side, have pity
They are going through the unimaginable

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