Hidden Talent Pt. 2

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Previously on Hidden Talent...

Peter scampered over to where Tony was.
"Yes?" Tony stared at him.
"Why is Gwen Stacy's signature on the shopping list?" It was at that moment Peter knew he had messed up.

     Peter stood there in front of his not-father awkwardly.
"Well, ummm, I have to- go to decathlon?" With that, Peter bolted from the room

     Tony sighed, tired of his kid's antics. He hacked Peter's computer and checked his email.

     Why was Peter getting emails from a publishing company? With a few more clicks, Tony saw an entire google doc filled with pages of Hidden Daggers fan fiction. What he was confused about was why Peter would hide this.

     Tony's eyes scanned the page, absorbing the plot. Peter had captured Gwen Stacy's writing style perfectly, although it was slightly too gay for the book series' current standing.

     Later at the book signing, Tony opened up the book, inhaling the scent. The first page started.

Once upon a time, in the land of Lenton, our heroes remained in the same place as always, a tent.

That's strange. This is how Peter's fan fiction started.

However, it wasn't a normal night in these tents. A steamy make out session was occurring in one, and the other was filled with snores while a third tent was lit up with a light. I'll let you figure who was in which tent.

And this is how Peter's story continued?

Suddenly, Tony realized what was going on!
Gwen Stacy had forwarded an early copy of her book to Peter! That's why he wanted to keep it hidden!

That must've been it.

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