"Tony's got a head start, let's go!" I said. Loki looked ready, his face fell.

"I wont make it. Not on foot." He backed away. I motioned for him to come to me. I hopped out of my suit and made a ball of energy under my feet, lifting me up.

"Take my suit for now. I'll do it the old fashioned way."


"Loki, there no time, just get in and let's go!'

He did as I said. "Its talking to me!" He called from inside the suit.

"Its name is Stan, and tell it to follow the ship!" I brought myself higher into the air, followed by Peter. Loki commanded the AI and we took off after the ship. It wasnt long before we caught up to the ship. On the outer rim, was Tony and Stephen.

"Who's in the suit, YN!?!?" Tony asked, Loki stepped out of my suit and Tony gawked at the sight.

"He wasnt going to make it on foot." I walked back to my suit and stepped into it.
"Now, just dont fall, Loki." I added.

"I will try my best. Not quite how I'd like to go out." He said, peering over the edge of the ship. Tony examined the ship and looked to where it was headed.

"We cant let it get to the city!" I said, as Tony searched around the outside of the the ship. "Weve got to find a way to stop it!"

"Aye aye, captain!" Peter said, walking around, looking for an opening.

"Captain!!!" I shouted in surprise.

"YN this is no time for power trips." Tony said.

"No, captain. That's how we can stop this thing! Take out its captain!" I spoke to Stan. "Stan, can you get me some eyes in there?" A projection of the heat signatures from inside the ship appeared in front of me.

"I see the captain. We gotta find a way in." Stephen rotated his hands and an orange, glowing ring formed in front of him. It sparked with energy, and looked like a firework. So, that's his power.

"I can get us in. But we need a plan." He said, making the ring disappear.

"YN, you see the big guy next to the Captain?" Tony asked, I looked on the heat signature map.


"You and Loki are gonna take care of him." He finished, walking next to Stephen. "Me and Strange are gonna get the Captain."

"What about me?!?!" Peter piped up.

"Your'e not fighting."

"Mr. Stark, please!"

"You're saying on the outside the ship, to make sure it doesn't crash into the city." Tony said, Peter perked up, happy to be able to help.

"Let's snap!" Stephen said, forming a ring.

"Never say that again." Tony replied. Stephen finished his ring and stepped in, Tony following. I glanced at Loki before stepping in. I was suddenly inside a dark room, and could hear, but not understand a conversation in a room ahead. Loki appeared at my side and I put my finger to my lips, well, the metal of my mask.

"Got a visual, Stan?" I asked, quietly. The heat signature map reappeared and I saw the large creature, standing alone in the room ahead. "He's alone. We gotta be quick." I whispered, to Loki, who nodded and crept down the hall ahead of me. I caught up to him and formed my mask away form my face.

"I'll go. We have minimize the amount of injured Avengers." He said, stepping out, nearly into the room. I grabbed his arm, pulling him back in the hall.

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