"Seems that something happened dear, you should go." My living wife said.

"Well that's disappointing. I would have loved to spend some more time with you after such a long time."
She laughed at that and said " come on go and check what is going on." And me being the good husband followed her orders.

Wait a minute why the heck is bhrama in greek pantheon? Chaos, his Greek personality should be there not him!

Well let's go and see what is happening.

The temple of Vishnu in thirumala in india

You might be thinking what is so special about this temple?.
This is the temple of vishu where the statue of Vishnu resides. This was the place where lord visnu was last seen on earth and it was the middle of night in India as the statue started glowing a bright light erupted from it as every thing inthe vicinity lit up as if it had been the day time as the light subsides you could see a figure vaguely human,with a conch shell in one hand and a mace in another, a disk or the chakra in the third hand and a lotus in the fourth. He was Vishnu,the preserver and he came out side his residence for the first time in the last last millennia or so.

By his side stood a majestic eagle 🦅 a mighty beast worthy of the preserver of all good things

By his side stood a majestic eagle 🦅 a mighty beast worthy of the preserver of all good things

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The mighty lord eagles Garuda the ride of lord vishnu

Lord Vishnu’s Point Of View
In my eternal life I have seen many things I have seen the universe being created and it being destroyed around a thousand times, I have seen as jaunx of the planet 1002357 or widely known as the planet of thieves and criminals, mritsone (mrit-stone) , destroy thousands of lives before I sent a huge eagle to kill, I have seen this universe being almost destroyed a million times, I have seen as chad waters the child of Poseidon drive his swords into the heart of Hitler and drag him to the door steps of Olympus for his crimes (never been so proud of a son of Poseidon).

But never have I ever seen Earth as chaotic as it is now, that too when it is not even having a war, such imbalance is unacceptable, people dying due to hunger while billionaires build sky scrapers  and animal species are going extinct while  humans  are doing nothing more than harming them polluting the planet while Gaia is dormant and rapes and murders are happening everywhere and no one is doing any thing to stop it!

And the leaders of the planet? GAH! Corrupt scum eating people’s money and not doing any service to their nation and their planet and those who want to do something good for their country ? They never get the power needed !!!!!What happened to this planet I will never know.

I observed all these things as I sat on my trusted ride and companion/ friend Garuda as I Rode towards empire state building as Brahma called on to me.

I was curious so as to what in the name of lord Shiva happened that Brahma had to call me it had been centuries since we met last time. And I had a feeling that this meeting with my fellow big three is not going to be a casual meeting.

As I flew under the blue skies, up above the green and brown earth I couldn’t help but notice the cries of the heavens and the earth. Humans have developed so much done so much it seemed like yesterday when they behaved like any other animal, and now they have developed enough to explore even the outer space and other planet and stars ( though the celestials on their respective planets have done well to hide themselves, as much as the humans have developed they still have their inherent sins like jealousy, and they cannot bear to accept the fact there are other intelligent race out there they will try to attack them at the end of the day.)

And even after all the progress humans have made they still pollute their planet their own home crying due to the holes humans drilled into their own mother earth poisoning their own atmosphere it had only been about half a millennia since I had last Visited this planet when anyone could have a breath of fresh air any  where In the world.

A loud voice interrupted my thoughts “Halt and state your name and purpose in the land of the Greeks”

I chuckled to my self amused and said in a booming voice “I am Vishnu the preserver of the good and your lord chaos himself has called on to me!”

“Lord Vishnu?  It’s been an honour to meet you milord you may pass the border ” The gate keeper of the Greek pantheon  κηδεμόνας (guardian) (rather obvious name if you ask me) said in a normal voicehe doesn’t have a form just an invisible barrier (a power full one at that) that can communicate.

“thank you, may you be as strong as you will ever be for eternity ” I answered and sort of blessed him.

there was no need to travel by any physical means after this so I just disappeared and appeared in between the Olympian council of the Greek gods. Situated right above the empire state building

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Daily questions- what is the name of the child of Athena and Hephaestus?
The winner will get a smile and a laugh if you google it and find the full story (or read Percy Jackson and the gods.) The later would be the better option.
All rights of Percy Jackson characters goes to uncle Rick
And the plot belongs to me amd me only if any one want to make another version or anything related to the plot pls ask me

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