C~1: Just The Pilot

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"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

~Leonardo da Vinci

When I was younger, I wondered if da Vinci ever really knew what crips blue skies smelled like.

What white clouds that, as a child, you think you can catch if he really held them?

Knowing what it is to have wings?

That feeling of freedom, weightlessness.

What it truly means to fly.

That's when you gotta be grateful to be born in the twenty-first century. May not have been there when the first plane was built, but I get to test out the new rides. Oh yeah, I've flown a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark, McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle...now that's a fast jet, a twin-engine, all-weather fighter that is the backbone for the Air Force.

Of course, I ain't no soldier.

Just a pilot...like my daddy, my uncle, their daddy, and his daddy before him.

All the places we've been to and all the places we go, I don't even get to leave the hotel to enjoy them.

No, there's always some murder or killer out there, and protocol says the pilot shouldn't leave till the hero's catch the Unsub. The only work I ever do on crime cases is just as the escort, west coast to east coast, leave D.C., and then come home.

I hear the cases, I see what happens, but I just fly in the cockpit.

The personal pilot for the BAU of the FBI.

When they work the cases, I'm stuck playing catch up with a report that I'm expected to know about the issue. Letting out another sigh, I stare at the ceiling waiting for a call from the one person who helps me a bit with my problem.

The lamp casts a yellow shade on the Miami hotel room's white ceiling, the hot weather leaving me board in a white tee shirt and jean shorts. Suddenly my phone begins to ring; a relieved smile braces my lips as I sit up, answering.

"If it ain't my favorite girl as I live and breath." I sing, crossing my legs.

"Her royal highness of amazingness is here to bring you up to speed on the case." Penelope sings into my ear. Clapping my knee, I nod "You do not know how much I appreciate you doing this."

"Please, we've been doing it for the past year. If you're asking for my opinion, which I know you didn't, but I am the only one who will give it you straight." she quickly states, causing me to smile as she continues, "With JJ transferred, there is an opening on the team, and Hotch asked me to run background checks on candidates-"

"Queen!" I call.

"I know, I know, but you technically, you are part of these cases; you don't just fly the team around."

"Queen, that is exactly what I do." I fight back, smirking at the use of her Call-sign.

"But you are good at the mock cases I send you for fun." she reasons, causing me to sigh "That's not fieldwork, Queen, plus I wouldn't trade in the sky for anything on the ground," I say, flopping back onto the bed.

"Cassy! The payoff! I know you need it!-"

"If my Daddy taught me anything, it's that even with little cash, you can still reach the clouds-"

Call-sign: MiracleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt