Chapter 4

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*Trigger Warning: Extremely bad puns!

Y/n's POV

I constantly caught Regulus stealing glances throughout the day (and as much as I don't want to admit it, I was too.). I wasn't sure what was going to happen (A/n: Neither am I y/n, neither am I. I swear I am just making this up as I go along.) after classes when we studied together. Like, are we going to act like what happened this morning never happened? Are we going to make it feel awkward? Are we going to make it into something more? 

*Awesome Flashback time.*

Flashback to that morning after Y/n running into Regulus And Y/n going back to the dorm

"It's too early to tell. But I know something is there." Y/b/f said to me after I came back to the dorm from the courtyard this morning. "Are you kidding? They are head over heels for each other!" Sydney said with a lovesick grin on her face. "I wish I had someone to love." Sydney said signing dramatically. "Omg girl stfu I saw Remus fawning over you for a staggering amount of time. Siriusly, he loves you.  The way he moons over you is so obvious. And believe me, he Pettigrew up since first year." Y/b/f said to her (A/n: I swear  I basically possessed Sydney and Y/b/f in this Fanfic. They do exactly what I would do. Which basically means Being dramatic, lovesick, and making extremely bad puns.). After hearing that, Sydney and I cringed from all the bad Marauders puns. "But anyway, girl, relax, it'll work out. I ship you guys so hard." Sydney said. "Oh, I know." Y/b/f aid with a knowing look on their face. 

*End of Awesome Flashback Time*

After more classes it was ( finally) time to study with Regulus. Before I get there, Narcissa and Bellatrix see me in the halls and run up to me. "Y/n! I found the perfect date for you for the Halloween Ball/ Dance thingy! Amos Diggory!" Cissy said. "Bella look at me and says, you wouldn't really go for a Hufflepuff would you?" she says in a disgusted voice. I say to her, "I don't really care what house they are in, as long as I like them it doesn't matter. But to be fair, Amos Diggory is a bit of a douche-bag.". Cissy looks at me, "Ok, whatever you are okay with." she says.

I am able to escape from them and head to the library with no more disruptions. When I get inside the library, I see Regulus is already there with all of the potions books and papers laid out neatly. I walk over to him and sit across from him at the table in the corner. I look at him and say, "Um, hi." awkwardly. "Hey." he says smoothly. God that voice I thought (A/n: I second that.). "Let's get to work." I said trying to diffuse the tension (I cannot possibly be the only one thinking of Fred Weasley saying this.). And so we work, for like, three hours, in peace, until my dumbass decides to say, "So are we going to pretend what happened this morning never happened?"

Regulus looks at me, stunned that I would even bring it up. "I wouldn't like to forget it, but I thought you would, so I didn't bring it up. Although I must admit every memory of every encounter we have consumes my waking hours." He says shyly, his confidence suddenly gone. 

All of the sudden, this urge of passion hits me, and I reach for Regulus's hand across the table. I grab it and hold on. He looks at me, startled at my action. He slowly gets comfortable with this, and rubs his thumb along my palm, looking me in the eye as he does so (A/n: Omg be still my heart I want someone to treat me with this much respect and love. My heart is beating so fast and I am blushing as I write this.)

We are both blushing a little at this point, but not letting go, soon we see students leaving the library for dinner, and we look at each other, with the mutual agreement that we would get up and pack up our stuff for dinner. I take my hand out of his, instantly hating the feeling of the cold air hitting my hand. I pack up my stuff, seeing Regulus doing the same. Right as I am about to leave, Regulus says, "Wait!" I turn around, looking at him, ushering him to go on. "I was thinking, maybe we could eat dinner together? You know, to talk more about our potions assignment." he says hopefully.

"I would like that. A lot." I say smiling. He smiles back. And so we head to the great hall together, side by side, with comfortable silence between us.

OMG I am so proud of myself for finishing another chapter! I am soooooo sorry for not getting back to this book for a while, school has been hectic. And to answer one of my wonderful readers advice to my last update, sab-ri-sto-ian, I do in fact already know that she is a part of the LGBTQ+ community. What part, at this point I am not sure. But I know she likes girls! She is just the cutest, I would kill for her, and then she would help me hide the body. 

Question that I am asking myself because I am too lazy to wait for someone to comment a question: Why is your username Helen4evs? What does it mean?

Answer: Helen of Troy is the name of my cat. When I first got her, about 2 years ago, it took me at least 2 weeks to figure out what to name her, I swear from my search history, people would think I am pregnant from all the name searches and everything. Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks, her name should be Helen of Troy, because 1. Helen of Troy is a beautiful women from a Greek myth, and it is said that "her face was so beautiful it could sail a thousand ships" and did in fact start a war over who could have her beautiful face.  and I felt like that description described my cat Helen perfectly. Because I felt like my cats face could sail a thousand ships with how beautiful it is. 2. I absolutely LOVE Greek Mythology and I am OBSESSED with it. So the myth where the name, "Helen of Troy" comes from is also something that I hold close to my heart, Just as I hold my cat Helen of Troy close to my heart. So when I first signed up to Wattpad, I put my username as "Helen4evs" as in, "Helen Forever" to signify my cat and her name. 

Here is a picture of her:

Question for my lovely readers: Should I add Sirius into the story to add some spice as an extra love interest? It could make the recipe for disaster really tasty! Comment your opinion on that

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Question for my lovely readers: Should I add Sirius into the story to add some spice as an extra love interest? It could make the recipe for disaster really tasty! Comment your opinion on that. 

Also, please comment your question on my personal life that I will answer and post on the next update! Follow me so you can be kept posted on all the updates! I will announce all the new updates! And I'll follow you back! Thank you my lovely readers,

                                                                                                                                       -Sydney the Author :3

The Rose to His Thorn (Regulus Black x Reader) COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora