Chapter 2

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Y/n was sitting on a bench in the courtyard by herself, the wind tossing her h/c to one side of her face, reading their favorite book.

Y/n's POV

As I am reading, I hear the rustling and crunching of leaves that fell because of the Autumn breeze, picking up and brushing away. I assume that there are footsteps. And my assumption was right. I see Regulus Black standing behind me, arms crossed and a poker face.

"Y/n, I think we should set up times to meet in the Library to study as partners. (a/n: I may have forgotten to mention that they will be partners for the rest of the year. Oops) what time works?" Regulus asks. I am tempted to say "whatever time works for you in fact lets meet at the three broomsticks and have a dat- I mean, friendly partner study time .:)" smooth Y/n real smooth I thought. 

Instead I said, "How about everyday after classes we meet in the Library, but have the weekends to ourselves?" I ask. 

 "It works for me." Regulus answers.

I nodded. He turns to leave. I thought he was going to leave at that moment, and for some reason, I minded. For some reason, I didn't want him to leave. So then, all of the sudden, I blurt, "Should the studying start now?" He turned to face me again, "Sure, I guess." he says.

So he sits down next to me on the bench and pulls out his potions book and I follow suit. We study for hours on end, talking idly to each other until we realize that its dinnertime. 

As we get up I slip and fall towards the Black Lake. I am inches away from hitting the freezing cold water when suddenly I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I look up and see its Regulus. He pulls me up, his hands still on my waist, his face inches away from mine. 

We're both looking deep into each others eyes, when suddenly, I remember where I am and who I am with and break out of his gaze and pull myself away from him. "Thanks." I say. "No problem." he replies. 

We bid our goodbyes and head to the great hall for dinner. With me still thinking about how close his face was to mine, how easily I could have closed that gap. But I shouldn't be thinking this, he probably doesn't even like me back. Wait. Where did the thought of me liking him come from? I thought.

Regulus's POV

Her face was so close to mine, you could cut the tension with a knife. Oh, how I longed to close the gap between us. But she probably doesn't even like me back. Wait. Do I fancy her? Oh my god I fancy her. I don't know what to do about my situation now.

A/n: Also, because I can't wait for someone to comment a question and for me to answer, I will start it off.

The question is, What is your Hogwarts House? 

Answer? I don't know. I am very indecisive when it comes to that. I say I am a Slytherin, and I believe that, but I also believe that I have quality's from the other houses too. So there is no real answer from me because my answer changes almost every time someone asks. 

Comment your next question in the comments below, and the first comment-question I see I will answer to in the next update. Goodbye fellow Regulus Black simps!


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