Chapter 6

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It had been several days since she saw Starflight reading to that... hybrid... she spent every day cooped up in her cave, Starflight never once showing up to check on her, that was for the best, he couldn't know this was happening, if he did it all fell apart. She felt her eyelids drooping but forced herself to stay awake and keep planning, she hadn't slept or eaten since and she was always mumbling to herself, the students that passed by always gave her nervous looks before running away.

"That... stupid hybrid will pay... Starflight belongs with me... he belongs TO me... that golden scaled rat wont take him from me..." She mumbled, it was almost sundown, all the students were asleep now, or should be.

She crumpled up another piece of paper and tossed it to the side, clutching her head before she started laughing manically "Yes... yes its perfect! Why over think it!? My visions never lie... this is going to go perfectly... nothing can stand in my way!" she chuckled as the sun set and she scooped up a bunch of scrolls and made herself look busy as she walked towards the library.

She walked towards the library when she heard voices inside, she froze and stood outside the doorway, a snarl creeping over her face as she heard the voice that was talking with Starflight.

"Sunny, you are the one with the kind voice, I'm just a shy, weak, sad excuse of a dragon." His voice echoed into the hall.

"Don't say things like that! You are the smartest dragon I have ever met in my life!" Sunny's voice cried "Don't beat yourself up, you are perfect just the way you are..."

Fatespeaker winced, clutching the papers to her chest.

"Sunny, I... thank you..." he stammered.

They were silent for a moment and Fatespeaker was about to enter when she heard Sunny start to speak again.

"Starflight... I think I want to have a family..." Sunny whispered, Fatespeaker snarled, barely able to hear Sunny.

"Sunny... are you sure? Dragonets are a big responsibility and... and... and I don't think I would do a good job and..." His voice cut off.

"Starflight... we run a school, everything will be fine." Her voice was soft and caring, Fatespeaker hated it. "Don't worry, we will be fine..."

No more noise came from the library "I wait until Sunny leaves... then I strike..."

-----------------------------------Time Skip--------------------------------------------

It had been a few hours before Fatespeaker heard Sunny yawn and she hid in the shadows as Sunny slowly walked from the library.

"You took him from me... he belongs to ME!" Fatespeaker shouted as she pounced on Sunny, snarling, her eyes blood shot as she unsheathed the chakrams she found in Brick's cave and a long, thin dagger.

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