Chapter 3 || Y/n's POV

Start from the beginning

An electric buzz zipped through me like some sort of wattpad novel. I thought I heard a She must be different, but among the many thoughts, I wasn't sure. We both seemed to notice, though, because he made eye contact with me again. My cheeks reddened.

"I wonder if they have ramen," interrupted Nendou. He belched and pushed me forward. I nearly tripped, but was quickly steadied by the sweet smell of Japanese treats. I just knew this place had the best coffee jelly.

Kaidou and Nendou raced to a booth, bumping each other like middle schoolers. The blue haired klutz tripped and banged his forehead on the table. Nendou freaked out and shook him to near death. I just rolled my eyes and found a seat near the corner of the shop.

Saiki sat down with me, and this time, his eyes looked urgent. He seemed too conflicted to say anything, so instead just picked up a menu and cleared his throat." The whipped cream here is good, too. The price is worth it."

I nodded, flipping to my desired dessert. The waitress came and I ordered what he did. I was eager to try out this town's coffee jelly.

"Where are you from?" Saiki asked me. His eyes seemed to intensely judge me. I tried not to let my heartbeat quicken.

"I'm, uh... just Hasumaki. It's a smaller area; you probably don't know it." It doesn't even exist. I just made it up.

His eyebrow jumped but he nodded. "Why did you transfer here?"

"Oh, you know.." I said. "Family job offer. My father moves frequently." Nice. I congratulated myself. The typical family job lie always worked. Maybe not on him, though, because what he said next startled me.

"I know you're lying." He leaned forward, searching my eyes. My breath caught in my throat.

"W-what do you mean?" Great, I'm already blowing my cover. Only Wattpad main characters stutter like this.

"I think you know what I mean," he said. He sat back and seemed to think. Saiki picked at his hand like he was taking off an invisible glove.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?"

"I... don't know what you mean," I replied with a poker face. I had to be careful not to let my emotions show.

Suddenly he reached out and grabbed my arm. My eyes widened when the same energy rippled through my body. Just as quickly as he had grabbed it, he dropped my arm. His eyes darted around, and he looked confused.

"What the hell!" I spat, retracting my arm from the table. He was a freak. I'd definitely been suspicious of this trio, but now I knew I had to avoid them.

Saiki looked up at me. His expression was still confused, but maybe a little less than before.

"You're not who anyone thinks you are, are you, Y/n?" he asked, leaning forward again. His eyes pierced my soul.

"or, would you rather Kaiyato Hinashi?"

My eyes widened. There was no way-
how did he-

"Here you guys are." I jumped. A waitress delivered 2 cups of coffee jelly. I swiped mine and held it, but had to intention of eating it. My stomach was twisted in a painful, confused knot.

"There's my buddies!" bellowed Nendou, sliding into the booth beside me. I wanted to sit beside her. thought Kaidou, a frown donning on his lips. He slid in next to Saiki, who was looking out of the window, silent.

"Soooo," said Nendou, budging my shoulder with his elbow. "how are you guys getting along?"

I swallowed, a cold sweat coating my body. I glanced at Saiki. He glanced at me, eyes seeming powerful, but not evil. Just curious.

Still, how did he know who I was? Could he possibly be a psychic as well?

"Are you gonna eat that?" asked Nendou, stealing my coffee jelly and spoon. He shoveled it into his mouth without an answer.

Not anymore, I thought.

. . . . . .

A/N: tysm for reading! remember to leave a vote and comments!! I love hearing ur opinions and reactions. Here's your chapter saiki pic:

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