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Peeta sleeps peacefully and Olivia crawls out of his arms. She picks up her knifes and leaves the cave. There is no way I'm leaving him to die. She thinks. After walking for about ten minutes, she arrived at the edge of the woods where she can see the bags in front of the cornucopia. Foxface runs outside of it and takes her back, escaping through the woods.

Clever. Then she sees Katniss, a bloody rib, but she can still run. She makes her way over to the cornucopia and takes her bag, she runs to the other side and gets hit by a knife of Clove. Katniss falls onto the ground and Clove ends up on top of her.

Olivia hears branches break behind her to see Tresh. He looks at her and pins her to the ground as fast as humanly possible. Olivia breathes faster and holds onto her knifes. "Don't even try and escape from my gaze..." he gets cut off my a sword in his back, making him fall to the ground. Cato stands in front of both Olivia and Tresh. But he runs upon Clove who lays onto the ground next to the cornucopia.

"Please... kill me." Tresh begs while struggling against the immense pain he has to go through. Olivia nods and stings one knife into his chest where his heart must be. Olivia runs upon her bag past Cato who cries next to the lifeless body of Clove.

When Olivia picks up the bag she turns to see Cato standing there. "She killed her." Cato says angrily.

"And we will kill her." Olivia replies. Cato turns to face her, tears dropping down his cheeks.

"I ... I loved her." He says pointing at Clove's death body next to him on the ground. "Do you love him?"
Olivia doesn't hesitate and nods, tears dropping down her cheeks as well. "Safe him, and we'll kill her." Cato says a soft smile appearing onto his face.

Olivia walks up to Cato and nods, running back into the woods to the cave. He could've killed me but he didn't, why didn't he? She arrives and runs inside. "Where have you been I thought you died!" Peeta cries out. Olivia sits down next to his leg and applies the cream which sat in her bag.

"The weirdest thing just happened." She says. After applying the cream she explains everything. Tresh who died, Clove's lifeless body, Katniss getting away and Cato saving her life. Peeta's confused look explains basically the whole thing.

"So we're helping Cato now?" Peeta asks softly.

"No... yes I mean... if he helps us killing Katniss then yes." Olivia replies. Peeta nods. The sun goes down and Olivia gives him some bread that was stocked into the bag as well. After eating they fall asleep in each other's arms.

They wake up the next morning seeing Peeta's leg is almost as good as new. They get up and walk outside making their way through the forest. "We may wanna stock in some food." Olivia says.

"Yeah okay, give me the knifes." Peeta replies nodding at the ones in her hands. Olivia looks at him confused. Peeta starts laughing. "Just kidding." He says before walking off.

Olivia shakes her head and laughs too. She gets through the forest looking out for birds or squirrels. She hears a canon and gets startled. "Peeta!" She screams, she runs back to the place they were. Olivia sees his jacket on the ground with nightlock onto it.
She screams his name again and runs into him. "That's nightlock Peeta! You'd be death in a minute!" She screams, while hugging him. He let go of the berries and hugs her back.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry." He apologizes. They eventually find foxface's lifeless body onto the ground while berries in her hand. "I didn't even know she was following me." Peeta says.

"She was clever... too clever." Olivia replies taking the berries into her own hands and putting them into her pocket.

"What are you doing?" Peeta asks.

"Maybe ..." she gets cut off by a canon. They look at each other. "Cato or Katniss?" Olivia asks.

They continue walking until the sun immediately goes down. "It's the finally." Olivia says scared. They see some mutant dogs not far away and start running. They make their way over to the cornucopia and climb up. The mutants down trying to catch them but they can't make their way up.

Suddenly Olivia gets pulled backwards by someone. She gets her knifes and cuts into the hand of that person. Olivia turns around to see Katniss. Peeta gets involved too and start fighting her off. Then after a while Katniss holds Peeta in front of her. "Do it! Throw that knife and we both fall then you win." Katniss screams.

Peeta points his hand at her's. Olivia throws her knife into Katniss' hand and she stumbles backwards, falling off the cornucopia and being killed by the mutants. The dogs run away and the sky turns bright once again. "It's you and me left." Peeta says sadly looking at her. "Kill me, they need a winner." Peeta says softly.

"No they don't." Olivia replies taking out the berries. She puts some in his hand and some in hers.

"Together?" Peeta asks almost whispering.

"Together." Olivia repeats sadly. He kisses her one last time softly before they put the berries into their mouths.

"Stop!! Spit them!" Claudius screams making them both spit out their berries. "Ladies and gentlemen, see here our victors of the 74th Hunger Games!" Both of them gets overwhelmed by shock but they hug each other and an aircraft picks them up.

Life would never be normal for them anymore, Olivia moved to district twelve to live with Peeta, her mom would be prouder then ever before and Panem would love both teenagers for their real romance.

The end.

Together - Peeta MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now