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Olivia opens her eyes and moves herself to breakfast. The whole capitol is talking about her, but she doesn't know or care. She sits down and pours some cereal into a bowl, and adds milk to it. As soon as she starts eating the train drives into a tunnel. "We're almost there." Sarah says, doing her make up.

After breakfast they went out of the train and walked inside the building where all tributes get made up for the parade that evening. Olivia's body get shaved and waxed, her hair gets brushed and everything about it feels wrong to her, but she doesn't speak up.

Her stylist walks in and smiles at her. "Well hello, my name is Brian and I'm your stylist. Listen up honey, you're the famous Olivia Blake, the girl everyone is talking about! I'm gonna make you a star!" He says smiling. Olivia already dislikes her stylist in the first minute she knows him... great.

Her dress looks... normal. Olivia looks actually normal for the parade which doesn't happen that often. Her dress has a golden color, her heels match and she drops the question. "What does this have to do with grain?" She asks.

"The same color, we didn't want to hook you up in some weird ass costume." Brian replied making Olivia smile thankfully. At least she will look great.

Aaron walks inside the room in the same color

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Aaron walks inside the room in the same color. He seems as normal as she does. "You look beautiful Olivia." Aaron says smiling. She nods thankfully but before she could answer Brian speaks up.

"Now let's get both of you to the carriage." He says. They walk outside and step onto the golden carriage. The horses on the front are black. They hear cheers and their carriage moves forward behind the one of district 8. Olivia loves her outfit a lot, she sees some other outfits which make her laugh.

The crowd start cheering louder when they come outside. Everyone screams nine! Olivia and Aaron are overwhelmed but manage to keep their faces straight, well... Aaron smiles but Olivia doesn't. She still hates all this stupidity. They enter the circle and stop. When the last carriage arrived president Snow says his little speech and then they get inside again.

"That was brilliant!" Sarah says smiling while walking up to us. Olivia looks around to see all the other tributes talking. Her eyes fall on the blond boy from twelve. Peeta feels eyes onto him and turns around to see Olivia look at him. He smiles and she smiles back. "Come on." Sarah says, helping Olivia out of her trance. What just happened? Did she smile to another tribute?

They walk inside the elevator and get upwards to the ninth floor. They enter and luxury overwhelms both tributes. Olivia makes her way over to her room, she showers quickly and changes into night clothes. She looks around her room for some minutes, taking in every detail. "Dinner is ready!" Her mom shouts.

Olivia walks over to the table and sits down. "So, tomorrow both of you start training and I want you to keep a low profile. Is there anything your good at?" Arthur asks. Olivia thinks for a brief moment.

"I may or may not know how to throw knifes." She says softly. Everyone looking at her shocked.

"What do you mean with, may or may not?" Arthur asks confused. According to him, or you can do it or you can't it's simple really.

"I was good at it when I was twelve but I haven't done it for some years anymore." She replies.

"Just, train with knifes but don't forget the survival skills. They will be useful." Her mom says. Olivia and Aaron nod. They finish their dinner and go to their rooms. Olivia decides on going asleep quickly.


Peeta and Katniss just come down from their carriage like every other tribute. They nailed their performance and their team congratulates them. Peeta feels eyes onto him and turns his head to see Olivia look at him. He can't help but smile and to his surprise she does the same. She is actually pretty when she smiles. He thinks.

She gets guided away by her team and later does Peeta. They enter the elevator and get to the twelfth floor. Peeta disappears into his room. If he is gonna make an ally he wants to talk to that girl. Katniss is off limits now, she has been ignoring him for the most. If anything he doesn't want to be in her presence either.

He leaves his room for dinner. He sits down next to Katniss and everyone starts eating. "I want you to stay low profile, most districts do this and it might safe your little butt later. But find allies, someone who can help you in the games." Haymitch suggests.

Peeta already knows and Haymitch seems to notice. "What's on your mind Peeta?" He asks looking at the boy completely drawn away by his thoughts.

"Nothing really." Peeta mumbles but Haymitch doesn't buy it.

"Just tell us, it won't hurt anyone." He replies. But it might just hurt someone. Peeta hesitates but decides on admitting his thoughts, maybe they like it.

"The girl from nine could be a good ally, Olivia. You said yourself her mom won the games and she looked fearless and stubborn." Peeta suggests. Haymitch thinks for a moment.

"I like your idea, but after all... she is from nine which means she might not know how to fight. Keep an eye on her, talk to her and befriend her... but hold her as an option until the individual points are given. If she scores higher then a seven, you can add her." Haymitch replies making Peeta somewhat happy.

They finish dinner in silence and he walks over to his room. "Peeta we need to talk." Katniss' voice sounds. He turns around and faces her. "We are no allies and if you want that girl, be my guest but I don't want to do anything with you." She says before entering her room. What's her problem? Peeta thinks.

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