Splitting up(short)

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Hi again!

The Bakusquad all wanted to go to different places, so they all decided to split up into small groups. 

"Alright so I'm with bakugou and kirishima, and shinsou and denki are together and then its sero and jirou! okay?" says Mina confirming the groups so everyone understands."Alright then! what are we waiting for?! Lets go!!" said Kaminari very excitedly to Shinsou. "Yeah c'mon guys!!" Kirishima says pointing to different rides."Oi! Slow down, shitty hair!" "Haha, oops sorry guys, I guess I'm just excited!" kirishima says sort of embarrassed. "Me too! lets go already!" Mina blurts out, running away from everyone else heading in her own direction with kiri and baku. The three of them go on a few small rides, and Mina finds this dancing section."OOH! YASS MY PLACE!!" Mina says really enthusiastic. "Haha we'll be cheering you on! Right Bakubro?" kiri says with a slight smile. "Yeah, yeah whatever." It has been about 15 minutes when Mina decides to let Kirishima and Bakugou do whatever and leave her there."Oh hey, sorry guys! I'm really kinda stuck here😅 go on without me! we can meet at the food court!" Mina says apologetically for making them be there for a while. "Oh alright, good luck! not that you'll need it!" Says Kirishima leaving the dancing section with Bakugou.                                                                                                                     

Poprocks at the amusement park💕حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن