Chapter 1: Secrets

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Flashback to 2017

Narrator's POV:

Growing up, the only thing Lily remembered was living in the small suburban home on the outskirts of Los Angeles, California.

It was just her, her mom, and her dad.

Though Lily always wanted siblings, she never had any, at least she thought.

Lily always knew her parents were a lot older than the average parents of a 10 year old girl, though she never questioned it.

The brown haired girl never really had any social interaction with kids her age and she never understood why but again she never questioned it.

The house was two floors with all the bedrooms upstairs. Lily's room was purple and blue which were her favorite colors. There was one room across the hall from hers that her parents told her never to go in which she thought was weird but never questioned it.

She was homeschooled her whole life and barely went out because her parents never went out but yet again, she never questioned it.

That was until a sunny fall day in the year 2017 when her parents went on an afternoon grocery trip.

This is where our story begins.

Lily's POV:

"Bye Lily! Your dad and I are going to the grocery store now. Remember the rules." My mom says sternly.

"I know. Bye." I say annoyed.

Then my parents walk out the door.

I know I am being a brat, I mean I'm still 10 but that is besides the point.

My parents never go out. They go to the grocery store every few months because they always "don't feel like it". We usually just get groceries delivered and I don't know if it is because they are getting older but they have always been like this.

I mean I'm 10 and I have never had a real friend. Except for my pet rabbit that died a couple years ago which doesn't even count.

I am never allowed to leave the house. I mean I think it's normal but is it really?

I head upstairs to my room and just start to sit on my bed and watch TV.

After about 20 minutes I get hungry so I start to make my way downstairs. That is until I spot the room across the hall.

Everytime I stand outside my door and look at the room, I always get more and more curious.

I make my way to the door of the mysterious room. It was just a white door with a 90s poster on it. Something with a 90s poster can't be that scary right?

My parents told me to never go in this room but what would be the reason?

I run my hand on the white wooden door and make my way to the door knob debating if I should walk into this room or not.

Then a flow of curiosity runs through me and I just have to know what's on the other side of that door.

I open the door and walk into the room.

My jaw drops.

It is a room with gray walls, a black bed, and many 90s posters.

There were many instrument stands in the room but not any instruments on them. Except for an old acoustic guitar and an old keyboard.

It didn't seem like anyone has been in here for a long time.

I walk around the room and see a picture of a teenage boy. With my parents.

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