How many cat puns does he want to put into this one sentence?

James wouldn't stop whining about not being able to see Lily, that's why I'm currently looked in the bathroom, writing this letter while James is about to kick a hole in the door. I am not sure how much longer I will survive here, so this could be my last letter.

He's so dramatic.

In case I survive James tantrum, I should ask you from James if you would like to invite lily and the other girls for New Year's Eve, since you will be with us then. He hopes that Lily will not refuse your request, he's very pawsitive about this.
I miss you very much and can't wait to finally see you again, even it's in hell,
The best-looking guy in Hogwarts, Padfoot

I smirked and looked up to Lily and Marlene "Do you want to have the best New Year's Eve ever?"

"Of course?" asked Lily.

"Wonderful! I'll write to James that you're celebrating with us on New Year's Day."

Marlene laughed while Lily's eyes widened "Not with him!"

"Is Dorcas allowed to come too?" asked Marlene.

I smirked and replied "Of course is Dorcas allowed to come too."

Marlene blushed and cleared her throat "And the other girls of course..."

I chuckled "Yeeeah and the other girls are allowed to come too."


I was sitting on Sirius bed, playing wizard chess with Remus. Peter sat in a corner sorting his sweets after colour while James was running up and down in front of the bed.

"I still can't believe you got Lily to come, too! I will be forever in your debt!" He threw his hands in the air and had a huge smile on his face.

I shrugged and replied "Well, you could do my potions homework that we got over the holidays."

"Of course, my lady" James bowed and rushed out of the room to get parchment.

"Well, I didn't think it would work, but I can't complain." Remus snickered; his eyes still focused on the game.

Sirius was lying on the floor, he lifted one hand up to his face and groaned dramatically "I still have to do my potions homework but that's so much wooork."

Remus looked up and said "Then don't."

Sirius groaned once more but jumps up to his feet. "Screw you Moony" and runs out of the door to search his potions book.

"And that, Ladies and gentlemen, is how you train a dog."


It was the last day of the year and the boys and I were preparing everything for our friends. Peter cooked dinner for tonight, he was a surprisingly good cook but considering his love for food I shouldn't have expected anything else. James and Remus tidied up the party room, which was in James' basement, while Sirius and I took part in decorating from time to time. However, we were more interested in making bets for the next year.

𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, Sirius Black Where stories live. Discover now