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TIME PERIOD: shortly before the great war between the three factions

Somewhere in the human realm a man and a woman are running away from a village encased in flames with several human exorcists chasing them. The couple is in their late 20's with the man about 25 and the woman around 23 years old. The woman's belly is swollen and she looks like she will give birth to a child very soon

The man: Izabella hurry and go I will buy you some time.

Izabella with tears streaming down her eyes: But Gusta what about you I can't just leave you and go

Gusta: I am sorry but there's no time if you can make it to the demon kingdom they won't be able to come after you I will buy you some time plus it is both for your sake and our son I can't simply let the two of you die now go we don't have much time

Gusta turns around and summons a large greatsword in his hand the aura it gives off is slightly intimidating for the exorcists who hesitate for a while

Gusta: Izabella hurry 

Izabella turns and continues to run towards the demon kingdom as fast as she could. From behind she hears sounds of a fierce fight and the gleeful howls of the exorcists as they fight her husband

Izabella in rage: Those bastards will pay dearly for what they have done I will make sure each one of those pitiful curs dies or try dying

Soon she sees the borders of the forest and the beginning of the demon realm. Soon after entering the border, she spots a small cottage in the middle of the forest and an old man was sitting on an armchair relaxing. Seeing a woman pregnant woman running towards his cottage he hurries over and runs towards her.

The old man visibly worried: What's wrong why are u running like this and where is your husband.

Isabella with leading eyes: exorcists are coming after me my husband was buying time for us u need to help him they killed everyone in our village please help us!!!. 

That was all she could say before she collapsed

Alexandria hurry over here and help this girl I will take care of those exorcists

An old woman hurries over to Izabella and carries her inside while the old man hurries towards the direction Izabella had pointed in


Gusta fiercely fights the twenty or so exorcists against him he had several wounds around his body and blood kept flowing from deep cuts. Gusta noticed his vision getting blurry and he could barely stand on his feet. However, he wasn't the only one wounded 6 bodies lay at his feet while another 3 had injuries. Seeing his worsening condition the exorcists jeered and insulted him while another one took a large chunk out of his leg causing him to collapse as his sword slipped from his hand and lay on the ground.

Gusta (to himself as he thought bitterly): So this is where I die too bad I couldn't send more of these bastards to hell. I just hope Izabella doesn't cry too much, It's a shame I can't see our child grow up.

Gusta closed his eyes and collapsed unconscious. The exorcists started howling in glee as one of them went forward to take Gusta's head off. Suddenly there is a woosh and the man is impaled by a set of antlers coming suddenly from the direction of the forest. The men stop laughing and stand alert. A huge roughly 12 feet tall rears its head and the man's body is torn to shreds by the 3 feetlong antlers.

Unknown voice: You pieces of trash really have done a number on him.

They turn around in surprise to see an old man standing beside Gusta.

Exorcist 1: Who are u old man if you don't want to die then get out of our way.

The old man Snorting: You think you lowly scum can kill me. You, people, are a thousand years too young to even think about that

The old man waved his hand and a dozen animals attack the exorcists killing them in a matter of minutes as he carries the limp form of Gusta back to his cottage.

After some time the cottage comes into view and the old man carries Gusta to a spare bed and begins to heal him.

After 30 minutes

Gusta wakes up with a jerk and looks around. And sees an old man standing in front of him looking outside the window.

Gusta: Is this heaven iv died right

Old man: Firstly no this is not heaven you are still in hell and secondly ur still alive

Gusta: But how I was surrounded by those exorcists they took a chunk out of my leg and almost killed me there's no way I could have survived that.

Old man: True but I did heal you and as for those exorcists I don't think you ever see even their remains again.

Gusta: But how who killed them.

Old man gesturing outside: That you should ask them.

Gusta looking out the window: No way what are so many silver ranked magic beasts doing there its dangerous.

Old man laughing: guess it's time for me to introduce myself .(with a bow) I am the familiar master of this forest just call me familiar master.

Gusta: What about my wife is she safe were is she.

Familiar master: Relax ur wife is fine and so is your son.

Gusta: Wait did u say son that means I am a father.

Familiar master: Yup welcome to parenthood you brat.

Gusta collapses on his bed and looks dazed while the familiar master simply laughs at him.