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I can't take this shit anymore.

I harshly closed the door as I left that fucking dorm.

How long I should endure this shit? I'm so tired being her secret.

For fuck sake we are already fucking rich!

What else is she afraid of?!

That we will lose our career?!

It won't happen. Our fans will support us no matter what!

They will be just more upset every time that she's been dragging to that fucking dating scandal.

Sexuality won't lose your talents and skills.

Fuck this company! Fuck dispatch! Fuck them all!

I'm so done with this!

If she can't fight for me then fine!

It's right that I ended our relationship.

I don't see that it's still worth it. We've been together for a long time and still there's no plans for coming out?

Then she let the company to linked her to different guys? Wtf.

She doesn't even fight for herself!

She worked so hard for her name then she will just let the company to use her name as cover up for something?!

Imagine you trained for years then in just one issue people will call you a whore, slut, flirt, using a man to be more famous, and dating rich man for money. Oh come on!

Then of course our very good company won't sue them because they are part of this.

What do they think to their artists? A punching bag or a shield?

Again, fuck them all.

I didn't ended our relationship just because I'm already tired or that I already gave up. I ended our relationship to lessen her burdens.

I know that being in relationship with me is burden to her. Even she doesn't say it but that's the truth.

I know that she loves me I felt it but I don't think that it will work anymore. She knows what she wants but she doesn't know how to fight for it.

Until when? I can't see any plans of her coming out.

I don't want to make her choose.

I don't want to hear that I'm not the one that she will choose.

I love her but I've done enough.

I'm sorry that I gave up.

I'm really tired of fighting.

I want to save me before I lose it.

Because loving you is also means losing myself.

I'm sorry Jennie but I can't do it anymore.

I hailed a taxi to bring me somewhere far away from here.

I found myself walking around in daegu. It's risky for me to do it but who cares?

Care bears?

Ugh! Bears! Those are shits!

I'm still in disguise, I'm wearing a hoodie and a mask.

This what you call disguise not those beanies and scarf tss.

I don't know why those stupid people believed that? Whatever.

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