Chapter 26: Special Effects are Special

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"Be lucky it is only us here. If she was here, she would've given you a sound thrashing" Haku said with a sigh.

Miku groaned as she laid on the couch. She was so bored just waiting here! She wanted to do something! She then laid back down on the couch and looked at the world upside down. She looked at the beach and saw two people there with a few giant boxes. She wondered what they were doing. She sat up and looked at Chaud who sat down and was trying to keep his cool after everything that had happened.

"Hey, so we have time to wonder around then, right?" Miku asked him curiously.

"Yeah, you can wonder around. Just have your PET on" Chaud said as he decided to get his laptop out and do some paperwork, "ProtoMan will alert you when we are ready to depart"

Miku grinned as she left the airport. Haku picked up her PET and ran after her girlfriend. Whenever she went, trouble somehow followed her. The two of them ran to the beach and found a tall man with shaggy brown hair looking very worried in his business casual outfit while another man wearing a bandana over his head was a bit thicker. He wore a red shirt and green apron which held a lot of supplies.

"Don't worry, Mr. Higsby! The fireworks will be ready on the night for your daughter's birthday!" he reassured her as Miku and Haku stopped.

"Thank you, Nenji. She's such a shy girl. I hope seeing something amazing will lift her spirits up" Mr. Higsby said in relief.

"Hello! How are you? What are you doing here?" Miku greeted them in delight as she walked right up to them with a sighing Haku.

"Oh, you're the famous Hatsune Miku! Ah! Along with her girlfriend, Haku Yowane! What an honor to meet you!" Mr. Higsby said in awe, "My daughter loves your music! She almost has every album!"

Miku was flattered until Haku turned to Nenji

"So, what are you doing here?" Nenji asked curiously, "I didn't hire a singing crew. At least, I don't think so. Did I Nenjiro?"

He pulled out his purple and green PET as he went to converse with his Navi.

"My name is NapalmMan! Not Nenjiro!" his Navi exclaimed as the PET began to heat up, "No, you didn't"

However, Nenji was tossing the PET in the air and trying to cool it and his hands down.

"Oh, no! You didn't! We were just curious and waiting for the flight" Miku answered, "You just have a lot of interesting stuff here. Is it really for the fireworks?"

"Yep! I'm from the Fyrefox Firework Company! Nenjiro and I will be suppling it for Mr. Higsby's daughter's birthday!" Nenji said in delight, "Actually, do you know Ribitta? She filmed my work!"

Miku and Haku were surprised to hear that Nenji knew Ribitta. NapalmMan opened a video showing Nenji's fireworks. Miku found the bright lights and shining sparks delightful and amazing while Haku found it amazing.

"Wow! Your work is really something!" Haku said in awe.

"Thank you! Though, if you need any help with fireworks and special effects, let us know! We would be happy to help you!" Nenji said with a grin.

"Ah! You must be Nenji!" a flamboyant young man exclaimed as he walked right pass Miku and Haku, "Have you thought about my offer?"

Miku and Haku looked at the young man and through his sense of style is something else. He had purple hair, a pink shirt, and a long green scarf. He wore long, silk purple pants and a pair of matching black tap shoes. He held a pink PET.

"Oh, I did. Sorry, but I don't think I can make it. I have the firework show to do for a birthday party" Nenji said seriously, "He already paid me and asked first. You will have to wait for the next opening"

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