"Fine. I can do what you told me. Is that all?"

"One more thing, don't help Gulf later in the board meeting."


"Just trust me."

"Just don't go below the belt. Gulf is a very sensitive person. And if you overdo it, the deal is off."

"Fine. So it's a deal?"


We shook hands.

"We'll talk more if our plan goes well," he said and left the cafeteria.

Tommy's plan went according to how we wanted it to be. Now I just need to make sure that I'm Gulf's date at the annual company party next month.


Gulf's Point of View

After that board meeting, I did nothing else in the following weeks but think about the presentation I would repeat. Perhaps the board members really did not like my presentation so they all agreed with what Tommy said. Even though it was obvious that he had other reasons on why he insisted that my presentation was a flop.

I will get even with you Tommy. I'll have my time. You'll see!

I know I can just ask my assistants to do it and I would just present whatever they come up with. But I don't want to fail again. I want to know all the details so that I can properly present them to the board members. So I have to do it myself.

Mew gave me a second chance. I don't want to be embarrassed again. And I don't want to embarrass Mew either. I want to prove that his decision was right. Even if I failed at first, I can correct it and make up for it.

Mew kept sending me sunflowers. I started feeling guilty so I didn't throw them away anymore. I asked one of my staffs to provide a vase in my office where I could place the flowers. They were so beautiful so it's a pity if I keep throwing them away.

He also kept sending me lunch and I also couldn't resist them anymore especially everytime I smell the delicious aroma. So Hugo and I started eating them.

"Sunflowers don't fit here in your office. Why did you start displaying them? You should throw them out," Trevor commented after we ate lunch.

"Why? They look nice."

"Not really. White roses are better for display. A sign of purity. Don't worry. I'll bring somenfor you so you can place them in your vase. Just get rid of the sunflowers."

"Hmm. Okay. Where do I put Mew's gifts then?"

"Just throw them out. But if you want, you can give it to your other staffs. It's just that it doesn't really fit your office. The color is too bright."

The sunflowers seem okay. But fine.

"And why did you also start eating the foods that Mew sends? Don't you like my food anymore?" his voice was sulking.

"Of course I do. I just don't want Mew's food to go to waste."

Hugo is sleeping on the couch inside my office. Maybe I won't tale him back to the nursery because he looks tired after playing all morning.

"They're not going to waste. The street dwellers will eat them. Don't you want that? You are able to help people who doesn't have anything to eat for lunch."

He has a point though.

"Still, I feel like it's a waste giving them away."

"Hmp! I feel like you don't want me to cook for you anymore. Maybe you don't like my food anymore." Trevor pouted his lips.

Runaway Groom (Groom Series Book 1) (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now