Chapter 1

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Before you read:
•This story will contain: cursing, mentions of blood, mentions of assault, and violence.

Pls keep this in mind if you are easily triggered by the things mentioned above.

Reader is female in this fic and uses she/her pronouns. Feel free to change them to whatever you feel most comfortable using for yourself. <3

Rain drops drizzled down the window of your apartment's room. Your eyes followed one, watching as it glided down the glass and disappeared as it fused with the water building up at the bottom. A frustrated sigh escaped your lips as thoughts of today's events filled your mind. See, you worked at a convenience store, or used to work at a convenience store. You lost your job today, it was the only job you had managed to maintain for 3 whole months. It wasn't what you dreamt of doing, sitting behind a cash register all day, scanning people's items. The pay wasn't all that great either. But it was the best job you could find and you needed money regardless of the amount.

Your manager, Chad, fired you today, his excuse being that his god-daughter, who had just moved into Chicago, needed a job and that he wanted to help her, saying that she could be the new cashier to his store, without even consulting you at all. He had you seated infront of him in his messy office as he squeezed the space between his eyes, leaning onto his paper covered table.

“Look, kid. Lenore really needs a job right now and-" he tried to explain. “C'mon, Chad! You know this is all I got! You can't do this to me!" You protested, cutting him off as you banged your fist onto the table, he sighed as he sat up formally, his expression holding a fake sense of sympathy. “I feel bad, I really do... But what can I say? Blood runs thicker than water." He stated, shrugging as he annoyingly watched you shake your head in disbelief at how little he cared.

“Well, what am I suppose to do now!?" You asked him, enraged at how easily he was going to let you go.

“There's a sleazy bar down the corner, they could always use a new pretty face." 

Your expression held shock at what you had just heard him say, getting up from your seated position, rage fueled.

“Screw you, you fucking asshole!" You spat, fingers nails digging themselves into your palms as you balled up your fists, furiously trying to contain your building anger.

He sat there, unbothered by your sudden outburst. His lazy gaze only causing your blood to boil even more, as your clenched teeth brought you to snarl at him.

You stormed out of the room, frustratedly kicking the side of one of the store's aisles, causing a few bags of chips to fall onto the floor. You walked to the exit, the little chime sounding as you pushed the door open and walked over to your car.


And now here you were, back at your shitty apartment, the cheapest you could find, looking out of its window as you watched the rain subside outside. You watched as a strange car pulled up infront of an old house that faced opposite from your apartment, it was abandoned and had been for many years now.

A guy got out of the car, walking towards the house as he carried a big sack firmly in one of his hands. You instantly assumed he was going to rob the place, curious as to why he would choose that house specifically, considering it's rugged condition.

He twisted the knob of the door as it opened, greeting him into the darkness inside as he walked in. You leaned closer to the window, wondering if you could see him through the window of the house. A faint light then filled one of the house's rooms, indicating to you that he must've brought a flashlight with him. All you could see now was the silhouette of him through the old dust covered glass window of the ramshackle house. He appeared to take something out of his sack. Your eyes widened as you saw what appeared and what you assumed to be a small child, it's throat being grasped tightly by the man as it was lifted up from the ground by its neck alone. It kicked him hard in his face, causing him to drop the small figure onto the floor harshly in reaction, clamping his face with his two hands. You watched in horror as he then lunged towards the smaller silhouette, pushing it onto the floor and appeared to be punching it continuesly before finally stopping to pant for air.

He then picked it up again, seeing that it was obviously unconscious now due to the firm punches it received to it's face. You rubbed your eyes, wondering whether you were hallucinating or not. Your heart began to race as you realized you weren't, watching as the man appeared to pull up a small chair and forcefully tied up the child-like form before kicking the chair back and out of the sight of the window. The light of his flashlight then faded, leaving the window of the house to appear pitch black as it was once before. The man walked out of the house, closing the door behind him. He rested his hands on his hips as he panted, leaning against the house's wooden pillar that supported the ivy covered porch roof. He took a lighter and a box of cigarettes out of his right pocket, lighting one as he planted it into his mouth, taking in a puff and exhaling the smoke out after. His head then turned to your apartment's window, his eyes appearing to stare into your widened ones. You gripped onto the fabric of the curtain next to you, pulling it quickly so that it covered up the sight of your face, that held absolute fear as you hid behind the wall next to you, contemplating everything that you had just brought yourself to witness.

If it was what you thought it was, this guy had just beat up a little kid, knocked it out, tied it up and left it in an old abandoned house. You tried calming yourself down from your shocked and frightened stage, deciding to peep through the curtains after awhile of bickering with your own frightened thoughts, looking out and realizing the man, nor his car were there anymore.

Your gaze then went to the window of the house, staring at it closely, wishing you could see into the dark room, but being met with the darkness staring right back at you, feeding into your already growing curiosity. You sighed, taking a deep breath and walking over to your bed, setting yourself upon it as you got under the covers, back facing your window and your eyes squeezing shut as you attempted to force yourself into slumber.

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