Silence part 2

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                When I reach my office, all heads turn in my direction, and silence falls all over.

"Mellissa said to send you in her office as soon as you come," George tells me with a highly worried expression. I nod and knock on her office door lightly.

"Come in," Comes the curt reply from within. I enter hesitantly and stand in front of her desk.

She doesn't even lift her eyes from her computer screen and pushes a letter towards me. I pick it up and read.

"It's a termination letter, why?" I ask, horrified.

"You're fired," she tells me. I almost want to punch her arrogant guinea pig face.

"But..." she cuts me off, "You may leave the office premises now,"

I stomp my foot and saunter out of that shithole in an angry phase which I know would pass away soon and then a jobless phase would start.

In fact, the tears start to roll down my face in the taxi, not even waiting to reach home. I felt like a ragdoll as I flopped down on my comfortable couch. I extract the victim phone from my purse and throw it against the wall. Its screen cracks and it falls to the ground, but I know it would still work because it is a bloodsucking iPhone. I go into the kitchen and fill up a glass of water when I suddenly see a shadow pass behind me in the refrigerator's door. I turn instantly and throw the glass at whoever has broken into my house. But my glass misses and the intruder smacks my head against the refrigerator door, putting a cloth against my mouth. Even in pain, I bite at his fingers and run out of the kitchen. But he catches up with me just outside my bedroom door. He grabs my arms and lifts me off the ground, I kick and thrash at him; screaming all the while. He throws me onto the couch and shuts my mouth with his hand; his other hand is gripping my hands in an iron hold.

I gape up at him with huge terrified eyes, unable to move.

"I hate strong beautiful girls who like to thrash and kick" He growls in a deep unrecognizable voice. His face is hidden by a black mask and he is huge and bulky. "Now, when I take my hand away you will be a good girl and won't scream, right?" he growls near my ear, "Or I will destroy this pretty face of yours with a pocketknife"

I nod and he slowly releases my mouth from his grip, "Who are you?" I ask immediately, he chuckles. "Very good question, next please," he says in an old raspy voice usually associated with burglars and rapists. Either of which he was, or maybe both. "What do you want from me?" I ask.

He chuckles again, "Lust," he hisses, "Bloodlust" I scream and he slaps my face hard, sending fits of pain across my skin. My lower lip starts to bleed and he laughs loud and ugly. "Take away everything I have, take all of it but please don't kill me" I whimper helplessly.

"You're such a little thing, it would be a shame to leave you alive for somebody else" he sits up and shrugs. Tears are rolling down my cheeks and my head is blistering with pain where he hit it with the fridge door.

"Maybe that tall vampire dude you were making out within the corridor would like your face all beaten up" He counters smugly.

"Leave me alone," I whimper.

He starts to take out things from inside his jacket; razor blades, pocket knives, rope. I take advantage of his distraction and kick him in the face, he tumbles back and I get the chance to storm out from under him. I run as fast as I can just a few steps more and I will reach the door, just two steps, I try not to think about the massive man behind me and just run. I had always thought my apartment was small but now I cursed at how big it is.

I scream as loud as I can when he grabs my waist and picks me up then throws me hard against the living room wall. Every bone in my body felt the impact of the hit. I lay crumpled up on the floor, not able to move and I see his enormous feet advancing towards me. Surely someone must have heard my screams and help would be on its way, I just had to survive a few more minutes until I was saved. I sob as he crouches in front of me, he has a big knife in his hand now and he traces its sharp edge on my cheek. "I had planned this differently but now you have created enough mayhem" He pulled his knife back and was bringing it down towards my chest when suddenly the main door bursts open and Edward charges in.

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