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The buzzing sound of my mobile wakes me up, I groan and pull the cover over my face. It's the last Sunday of the month and these office calls just won't end.

When the vibration doesn't stop, I reluctantly pull the irritating device from under my pillow.

"Hello." I say groggily, no response from the other side. "Hellooo," I say again but still receive silence.

I curse and place the phone away, stupid people. Just about when sleep was trying to take me away, the hideous buzzing starts again. I sit up straight in rage and place it against my ear, "Who is it?" I ask in anger. But I still get no response. I check the name tag, "Private Number" is written on the screen. I roll my eyes and end the call.

I give up trying to sleep. After shower, I am standing in the kitchen making bacon and eggs.

"Yes Melissa, I will give you the file by tomorrow" I tell my HR over the phone. "You sure will, Jennifer" She says in her usual shrill tone. I roll my eyes and hear a beeping sound from my phone.

"Hey Melissa, I am getting a call in between, I'll call you later" I try to dodge her.

"Jennifer, I need it by tomorrow" I cut her call off and pick the next call. "Hello," No answer. It's that private number again. I cut it and put my phone away.

After completing my breakfast, I grab my purse and head to Target for grocery. In such a busy schedule, I rarely find time for my home. As I lock my apartment door, Aunt May catches up with me, I greet her enthusiastically.

"You look beautiful today, Jennifer" she compliments me- she is more than 100 years old but healthy as a horse and oh, I forgot to tell you I am a 25 years old tall girl with long lanky legs, long blonde curls and icy blue eyes and i am wearing a short yellow sundress that brings out the blue in my eyes- "Aw, but you still outshine me," I smile brightly. She waves me away.

"I'm going for grocery, you wanna join," I ask her, she starts to say something but is cut short by my phone's shrill ringing. I check the number and it's that private number again, I frown.

"If this is some kind of practical joke, than please stop or I'll call police" I growl into the mouth piece. I hear nothing from the other line, "I'm not joking, I will really call police" I threaten but again find silence.

I growl, cut the line and add the number to block list.

"Any problem, Sweetheart" Aunt May asks me.

"There is a private number bugging me since morning," I explain, "It rings every 5 minutes but no one answers when I pick it"

"My dear that seems hideous" she exclaims.

"I've blocked it, you don't worry" I tell her,

"I knew such a case, it happened with my niece, she was your age when she started to receive such calls" she says,

"Oh, what happened then?"

"Alas! Her neighbors found her dead body in her house 4 days later" she exhales sadly.

I suck in a sharp breath, "That's so awful" Suddenly my phone feels heavy in my hand. "Oh dear, you look so pale"

"I should go aunt may" I say and she shoo's me away. I keep thinking about that sinister caller in the Target shop. On my way back home, I realize that I forgot half the things I came to buy. I curse and decide to head back.

I start to cross the road with my hands full when my phone rings again, I look at the caller's ID and it's the same private number again. I almost drop my phone in shock, I just blocked it I think. I look up at the sound of a loud horn just in time to see a black SUV rushing towards me. I drop the bags and cover my eyes, the car shrieks to a stop inches away from me. I slowly open my eyes but the car has stopped now, instead a motorcycle zooms past me, hitting my arm and unbalancing me, I hit the ground hard and a scream escapes my lips.

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