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"Oh, wow. I can't believe I actually got on the show!" I smiled to myself, feeling excitement in my veins. I looked around at the multiple different teens my age that were lounging around, waiting to arrive at the island.

I caught the gaze of a pale girl with blonde hair. She waved and I returned the gesture, but quickly stopped as I noticed someone falling from the top of the boat. I went to catch them and it ended successfully.

"Bloody hell! Are you alright?" I asked the petite boy I was holding. He opened his eyes to see me. "Thanks for breaking my fall...?" He edged on, hinting for my name. I laughed at this.

"Zuri!" I gave him a wide, beaming smile. "Yours?" I questioned him. "Cameron Wilkins." He answered nervously. You set him down and he readjusted his glasses, blinking to also readjust his sight.

"You are very helpful, but you should think about yourself from time to time." The pale girl next to me and Cameron inquired. I raised a brow, "Pardon?" "I can read auras and yours in an exceptionally bright blue. But, a ring of red rests around it." I looked at her, feeling uncomfortable.

- Confessional -

"Oh, tarts! This is my first confessional! It sure does reak in here, but I'm stoked to be here. That Cameron kid is really nice and, admittedly, adorable. Dawn seems nice, but do I say this? Bonkers. I already know what people to avoid here. Like Jo, Scott, and possibly Lightning. Being here might be the best thing that's ever gonna happen to me!"

- End of Confessional -

I realized that the camera had panned over to me and Cameron. "Our friend from the UK, Zuri! And Cameron!" I waved to the camera, "Good day!" I spoke to the device.

Once Chris was finished introducing everyone, I grabbed Cameron's hand, "Aren't you excited?" He nodded quickly, "Yeah, this is the first time I've been outside!" I laughed at his response.

Suddenly, the boat blew up. I shouted in fear as I landed in the water. I noticed some people who were struggling to get to shore. "Staci!" I called her name and went to help her.

"Oh, go ahead!" A girl named Zoey urged me and Mike to help her. As they were fanycing each other, I gave an aggravated grumble and went to help the girl who was literally drowning.

I pulled her back up to the surface and handed her to Mike, "Just go, you idiot! I need to help Cameron." I yelled at him. He nodded and I went after Cameron, who was left behind by Scott.

"Come here, man!" I called to him. He struggled to swim over, but I gripped his hand and brought him to shore. "Thanks!" He shared his gratitude.

"You're welcome, Cam!" I smiled at him. He smiled back, holding onto me tightly. I got on the beach and started ringing my hair out, then I noticed something. "M-My hat. Where is it!?"

"Oh, darn! Where is it!?" I fearfully searched around until I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Mike, "You dropped it when you went underwater to help Staci."

I grinned, "Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!" I hugged him and took my hat, placing it on my head. Then, we heard the feedback on the loudspeaker and heard Chris's voice.

"Attention, fresh meat! See the trail leading into the forest? Race to the end of the trail and do not disturb the wild life. That would be bad." He announced.

"Yeah, we wouldn't wanna upset the bunnies." Lightning joked. You rolled your eyes. Chris continued, "The tiniest sound can set them off. Like this!" A loud honking sound came from the speaker and an even louder growl came from the other end of the forest.

We could see trees being knocked over in the distance and we all screamed, running in the opposite direction towards the trail.

"Why would Chris do that?" I thought to myself in anger. I saw the finish line up ahead and ran even faster. I crossed it and beamed happily at my achievement. "British Babe, Team B!"

"Alright-y." I made my way over to the group on the right. "Oh, you're gonna be on my team, Cam! Nice!" I cheered. 

He anxiously played with his hands, avoiding my eyes. I pouted at this, but ignored it. "What the heck was that thing in the forest!?" Scott asked.

"I'm pretty sure that cry does not belong to any known animal species!" Cameron responded with fear in his tone. I breathed heavily, still being tired from running.

"Relax, it'll all make sense eventually." Chris tried to reassure us. But, he started to laugh psychotically and it terrified me. Zoey looked at me with a concerned look and I shrugged. "Now, this season of Total Drama will be a little bit different."

I crossed my arms, beginning to pay attention, "For example, in every episode, someone will be eliminated."

I gasped. Since when was that a rule!? "It's never been that hard before!" Zoey spoke in alarm. "I know, I'm good." Chris complimented himself. 

After choosing the team names, a lengthy conversation on why they were strange, and having a run in with a mutated squirrel, Chris and Chef brought us all to a strange area with totems hanging from two trees.

I wonder what my first challenge is?...

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