Chapter 1

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"Doc is she going to be okay?" I heard Andrew say as I lay upon what I believe to be a hospital bed, "she'll be fine, she just needs some rest & lots of fluid" the (I'm going to guess) doctor responded. "Ok" Andrew responded. not sounding too relieved, ever since Andrew got his new promotion he hasn't ever had time, for anything. including me, I pretended not to be awake until he got a phone call my eyes snapped open as I looked up at him, he put the one second finger sign up.

I rolled my eyes as he stepped out into the hall of the hospital. I looked around my room, there was a small tv, a large window and a small couch... a chair next to my bed with large black boots I track my eyes up the chair to meet the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen, they were almost turquoise, they were beautiful "hello" he smiled the brightest smile.

"hello" I said returning the smile. finally waking up completely from being half asleep. I realized it was Sebastian. Just then the door opened, "baby I have to go, I love you see you later" Andrew said at a low tone shutting the door. leaving both me & Sebastian wide eyed. Sebastian shook his head then looked at me, "does he do this often?" Sebastian asked, looking into my eyes. "yes, quiet often." I saw looking down at my hands twirling my thumbs.

"so, I never got your name." he looked at me smirking. "Cassidy" I smiled. "well it's nice to meet you Cassidy" he smiled sticking his hand out. I shook his hand "as well as you Sebastian" I smiled. "oh, sorry I didn't introduce myself" he laughed. "it's okay" I smiled his eyes meeting mine. "would you like anything to eat?" He asked. "no, but thank you" I laughed. "alright, I'll be right back, I promise" he said smiling. "okay" I said quietly, smiling. he closed the door behind him, I turned on the T.V small cartoons appeared on the screen. but I couldn't focus, all I could really focus on is Sebastian & his beautiful bright blue eyes. "wait, Andrew" I reminded myself. I really don't know why I stay with him, I think I'm just too scared to let him go. a few minutes later Sebastian returns with 2 cups of coffee & a pastry.

"I know you said you weren't hungry but I thought you could use a coffee" he smiled. he handed me a cup of coffee & some packets of cream & sugar. "thank you" I smiled. we sat there watching tv until the doctor said he needed to leave. "can I have your number?" He asked. I gave him it & he texted me to make sure. "I'll call you soon" he smiled as his bright blue eyes disappeared out the door.

A few weeks later

"Andrew!" I called across the apartment. "yeah!"he yelled from the bedroom. I walked in & looked at him scrolling through his laptop. "hey" he said not looking up "hey..." I said. "I'm going to go out. okay?" I said. "where are you going to go?" He now looked up. "just out, I don't really know yet." I responded. "okay, see you later" he said.

"can I have a kiss?" I asked. "not now I'm a bit busy" he responded. I shut the door & put my sneakers on & headed to the car. I don't really have many friends here besides at work. Sebastian! I mentally say & dial his number & put it on the car speakers to avoid another accident. after a couple rings he picked up.
"hey!" He said
"What's up?"
"Nothing, I wanted to know if you wanted to get ice cream?, Andrew is busy with work, again." I asked
"Totally, Where do you want to meet hun?" He asked. I melted at his words. "how about little juniors on 6th avenue?" I said. "I know exactly where that's at, I'll be right there" I could hear his smile through the phone. "okay, thanks bye!" I said "bye" he said hanging up the phone & drove the rest of the way to Little Juniors.

I wait for about 10 minutes for Sebastian to get to the ice cream parlor.
"Hey!" He said meeting me at the entrance. "hey" I gave him a small awkward hug. he laughed "what?" I asked. "oh nothing, you're just really cute." he said & I blushed. "shall we?" He asked heading into the store. we ordered our ice cream & sat down at a table across from each-other. "You cut your hair?" I asked looking at him. "yeah, we're done filming so... hair is back to normal length" he smiled. we chatted on about various things & then when we finished our ice-cream drove to the park & sat under a tree.

I forgot to grab my jacket when I left the house. I was shivering. he took off his hoodie & slipped it onto me. it was a huge grey-ish colored hoodie. "thank you" I smiled while blushing up to him. & gave him a hug. He's one of my only friends & is turning out to be really nice. he wrapped his Arms around the small of my waist & put his fore-head against mine.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, he closed his eyes. "I really wish you didn't have a boyfriend." he said quietly. "sometimes, because of moments like this, so do I" I said, brutally honest. "you really are beautiful Cassidy" he whispered. "& you really are amazing." I said back. "why don't we just stay friends for now?" He said.

"I agree completely" I said. "I should be getting home." I said opening my eyes, but not moving. "so should I..." he said letting go of my waist opening his eyes. me taking my arms off of his shoulders. he kissed my nose & said goodbye. "goodnight seb" I said walking back to my car. it's been dark out for a while. I drive home & unlock the apartment. I remember I still have his sweatshirt. I sigh & walk into Andrew & i's bedroom he was already asleep. I feel almost bad hanging out around Sebastian today, I mean I would never cheat on Andrew, but. I'm really starting to wonder. do I really love Andrew?

The Winter Soldier Was There (A Sebastian Stan fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz