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"Detective Deckor, Ms Leir" He greeted as we approached him, and I saw the guy that tried to shoot me sitting with a stubborn look on his face through the window. "I trust you're okay?"

"A little shaken up but I'll survive"

"What do we got?" Tristan asked, breaking Edwards' gaze away from me.

He simply shrugged. "He won't speak. Says he won't answer anything without a lawyer."

"He does realise that he will be going down for attempt murder either way right? Once we get the prints from the weapon and the video footage from Cianna's workplace, there will be no way of getting out of this." Tristan seemed upset- outraged even.

I knew he was upset, but I didn't know he was that upset.

"I know. That's what I told him. I also have him identified. His name is Jason Walters. "

"Wait as in-"

"Yep. He's related to Mia. He's her younger brother" He confirmed, making me gasp in shock. Mia really brought her baby brother into this?

"When h-he had me at gunpoint, he said he needed to be free of her. Why would he need to be free of his own sister?" I asked as confusion dawned on me.

"Well I'm about to find out" Tristan gritted out.
He had an edge in his voice as he pushed through the door, immediately catching the attention of Jason.

Detective Edwards sighed with a look on his face that I couldn't decipher as he stood next to me. I acted like I didn't notice him as Tristan took a seat in front of Jason.

"I already told the other detective. I'm not answering anything without my lawyer, and he's more intimidating than you" He stated stubbornly.

Tristan eased from his chair as he circled him slowly, and I could see that he was scared despite his words.

"Okay. We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way Jason." Tristan stated calmly. "But no matter what you do, you'll still be going down for this... Hard" I saw Jason flinch at the way how he said hard, and even I stumbled a bit.

Jason's eyes flashed to the glass for a second, as if he was seeing me behind the one-way glass before directing them back to Tristan as if he was going to say something, but Tristan continued.

"And I don't care if you have the best lawyer in the country, I will pull so much evidence against you that will send you away for life. You want freedom? Answer. My. Questions" He gritted through clenched teeth as he leaned closer to his face with each word.
Jason gulped, as if contemplating his decision.

"If you comply, the maybe we can make a  deal and you get a shorter sentence. But if you wanna play hard, I'll play harder. Don't under-estimate me kid"

I almost swooned at how sexy he sounded and looked. Detective Edwards leaned in closer to my ears, and I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at whatever he'd say, and I didn't even hear it yet.

"I've never seen Tristan so passionate about getting a suspect to speak before. It's almost...personal" He retorted, causing me to turn to face him.

"What are you implying?" I raised an eyebrow at him, and he simply shrugged.

"I'm just sayin-"

"Okay stop" I cut him off sharply. "With all due respect Detective Edwards, Detective Deckor is just doing his job. This man held a gun to my head! He's connected to Mia. If he speaks, I wont have death following me around me around with his evil stick or whatever it's called. So if you don't mind, let the man do his job." I ended, taking him by surprised. "And for the record, instead of treating Tristan like he's some inexperienced kid who will only be a burden, maybe try working with him because he's a damn great detective and a way better one than you in my book"

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