💕[Soulmate pt.2]💕

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(part two)

3rd pov.

Keith did as he is was told and went to the training deck after landing blue, he rolled his eyes when he saw Lance sticking his tongue out at him. He just ignored it and continued walking to the training deck. He never really understood the whole rivalry thing and thought it was stupid.

Once they all were gathered, Shiro explained what he planned for training. Lance fidgeted with his bayard as Shiro talked. The way Shiro stood and spoke as he explained things felt very reminiscent of taking the man's classes before the whole Kerobores mess. He tended to use his 'teacher voice',as Lance had dubbed it, when he described mission plans or tried to instile his amazing 'life lessons'. Lance definitely preferred his teacher voice over his 'disappointed parent' voice which unfortunately seemed be used around Lance a lot lately.
Lance quickly realized he had zoned out while Shiro was talking and he quickly paid attention again in time to hear the last part.
"-after that we might do a few sparring sessions." Shiro was about to turn away when he noticed Lance's building panic over not hearing.
"To recap for those who apparently had more important things to think about. Everyone is doing solo bayard training." With a glance at the blue paladin he said, "Lance you're doing sniper drills for example or simply target practice. Its free choice for the most part. After that those who fight mostly close ranged might do some quick spars. Everything clear?" Lance nodded. That disappointed dad voice was there for a second and the unwanted shame of seeming uninterested bubbled in Lances stomach for a moment. He didn't mean to zone off like that. Lance pushed the feeling off in favour of being excited to practice sniper work. It was one of his favourite things and he was good at it.
Keith listened to what Shiro had to say and made sure to pay attention. He took his bayard out after Shiro had finished talking and went to start his training, he prefers to train alone with no one else in the room but he doesn't mind everyone being in there.

(Time skip to after all the training is over)

"That was a good training session. I don't have much to add for the most part. Go rest for a bit to cool down and we will have lunch in an hour or two."

After that most of the team dispersed and Lance realized that sitting in his empty room did not sound appealing nor did wondering the castle ship. Even through training had just finished, that sparring session left an excited itch under his skin and the thought of resting didn't even feel like an option. Lance decided since his training wasn't that much of a workout he could probably do a bit of a cardio or perhaps some acrobatic practice since he was a little warmed up already. With that in mind, Lance headed back to his room to take off his paladin armor. He remembered half-way on his walk that now he could see if his soulmate had said anything. The thought made him walk a little faster with excitement.
Keith went back to his room after listening to Shiro, he was glad that his room was pretty close. He was sweating and wanted to change his clothes as soon as possible. Keith took his paladin armor off and took a quick shower, he put on his normal clothes after drying off and remembered that his soulmate had written to him before training started so he decided to write back since he was in a pretty good mood.

'oh uh sorry, I wasn't able to talk for awhile either'

He layed on his bed and for the first time in a long while, he actually wondered who his soulmate could be.
Lance, after he had changed out of his armour, had made his way back to the now empty training room and was going through some simple stretches. He felt the slight feeling of his soulmate writing and stop for a second to see what they said. Lance was in just a T-shirt so he was able to read the message quickly. Relieved that his soulmate still wanted to talk, Lance moved over to where he had placed his jacket and found a pen and responded.

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