Chapter 12

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p a s t

When the first beats of the song hit Saifah's ears, he moved his eyes to Zon and a gentle smile brightened his face. They were laying on his bed, enveloped in that idle moment of a Saturday bliss as the afternoon sun was peeking through the window. He swept over his boyfriend's face. Zon's long eyelashes put a soft shadow on his rosy cheeks, his thin lips were more than kissable and the pure joy made him look so serene, Saifah was barely holding back.

"Now! It's gonna be now...!" Zon paid no attention to him, too focused on the cheerful melody of his new favourite song that he wanted to share with Saifah. "It's gonna be the best part!"

Saifah pressed the earphone in his ear harder, trying to get into it as well, but although the song was very much to his liking, he couldn't take his eyes off his boyfriend even for a second. He was mesmerised. The solo came and Zon closed his eyes, his smile growing even bigger. Now his whole body moved with the rhythm, his hands in the air playing on the invisible drums, his hair bouncing against the forehead again and again...

His love for the song was contagious.

Warmth radiated all over Saifah's body. For some reason, the more time he spent with Zon as his boyfriend, the more addicted he felt of his presence. Almost as if he could never get enough of that. And right now he was with his Zon as well; not the friend one from school nor the overthinking self Zon was whenever he stayed alone with his thoughts—right now he was his laid back self with a dreamy smile; the one Saifah saw mostly whenever it was just the two of them.

He grabbed one of Zon's hands and intertwined their fingers; his heart was beating fast as he squeezed it. It was the kind of moment he liked the most and for him those could last forever; the fact that they were together was just enough. He shut his eyes and focused on the song, this time successfully. An upbeat rhythm filled him thoroughly—he felt it from heads to toes, in every cell of his body.

Now he understood what Zon loved about that song so much, but what he loved even more was that they were listening to it together.

p r e s e n t

Zon shut the car door and faced his driver with a smile. "Thanks for the ride."

"Any time." Saifah grabbed his present from the back seat, his face gleaming with joy.

Zon was not sure yet if he actually should drink as much as he had promised Junior, but it was better to be safe than sorry and leave his car at home just in case. Besides, coming to Tutor's birthday with Saifah was not only convenient, but also saving the Earth, right?

They entered the condominium that their friend lived in and stopped in front of the elevator. The place was nice and stylish, but Zon had always found it intimidating—maybe because of how he felt about meeting Tor and Fighter together or maybe because of how scared he was of breaking some valuable sculpture whenever he was there, he couldn't tell. At least this time he was not alone, and there would be a whole gang to make a ruckus and get on Fighter's nerves, not just him.

"It's been ages since I saw everyone in one place," he said suddenly. And even longer since he saw them all in the same room as Saifah—in this case it was actually years.

"Same." Saifah pressed the button and sent him a smile. "The last time I saw Junior was at Sorn's birthday party."

Zon rolled his eyes. "Ugh. Who throws a party for a one year old? It's not like he's gonna remember it!"

"Well, that's what pics are for," snickered Saifah. The elevator stopped at the fifth floor and they moved along the corridor. "Besides, it's about building a connection, isn't it?"

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