Union J Fanfic - Part 3

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It was now 9pm. We crossed the last road before we got too the Seaview Hotel then just as we got too the other side Jodie shouted out "LOOK A LIMO" We all turned around as the limo passed us we heard boys whistling from it. Elise randomly came out with "Girls I swear that was George Shelley's whistle!" Jodie, Lauren and I looked at her and burst out laughing! "NO WAY would The Seaside View book UNION J too come perform here. As much as us four would love it! plus I think they would much rather perfer it too be at home for New Year?" I got an ache in my heart and thought too myself, woah imagine though. "Yeah Elise, you are probably still suffering PCD (Post Concert Depression) from when us four went too see them last week." Lauren added. "Hm, Yeah I suppose" Elise said with a sigh.

"Hi Welcome, Please keep walking and on your first right collect a badge too confirm you are here for the night." A seruity guard from the hotel welcomed us. 

We walked up too where he said, got our badge then walked into the large function room, Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child was blaring. It was packed with people all ages from little ones too old ones. We choose a table nearer the back of the room and sat down. The DJ at the stage left side said loudly on the microphone..

"Everyone grab your drinks its only an hour until your surprise guest comes on." Then he continued too play music from the charts.

"Imagine Union J was here though" Jodie said. "I know right, That would be AMAZING OMG!" I added. "Yeah but Iona you are right they probably would like too be with their families at this time of year.." Said Lauren.

"Lets go get drinks then:)" Elise said with a smile.

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