Union J Fanfic - Part 2

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By this time is was 7:30 pm. We all had on our New Years outfits and were ready too go out too party. Elise was wearing a sparkley tube dress which stopped a bit above her kness with her blonde long wavy hair curled down both shoulders which sat just a bit past her chest. Lauren wore highwaisted Union Jack shorts with a lovely blue collared shirt buttoned up too her neck tucked into the shorts with her beautiful hair tied up in a messy bun at the top of her head. Jodie wore a pair of black highwaisted shorts. One side had diamond look alike studs and the rest was just black. Jodie's hair was put behind both shoulders poker straight. I was wearing a long armed cerise pink dress which stopped also just above my knees. The arms of the dress fitted on my arms perfectly. My hair was swepted round my left shoulder with loose curls. The girls looked absolutely stunning!

We went back down stairs too pour a few more drinks and just as i walked through the living room to get too the kitchen i caught at the side of my eye on the marballed fire place the flyer about the party we were away too go too. I then read out what it said..

"Come along too the Seaside View Hotel on the 31st for a fun packed night, free entry, £1 drinks and a surprise act at 11pm"

Once I had finished reading what the flyer Jodie said confussingly "I wonder what and who the surprise guest is" Elise added after he "Hm, I've not heard anything so it must be super secret" "Its probably some local unknown act that they think is like the new Lady Gaga or something" Lauren blurted out. We all started giggling.

"Lets go then!" Elise said as she took her last gulp of her drink.

We all left Elise's house too walk 10 minutes too the Seaside View Hotel too party. We could not wait!

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