I looked down. "I know she is."

"Then why are you still doing this to her?"

"Because part of me does feel something for her." 

"You need to figure this out, Leila. You can't have us both. And if you keep this up, you'll lose her and me." She walked away. 

May 2018

Tatiana's POV:

The movie was successful. The fake relationship with Daniella ended. 

Leila's very real relationship with Mariona was still going. 

I saw I had a call. 


I smiled and answered it. "Hey."

"My famous friend!" She yelled. "How's everything?"


"I hear you're single!"

"I was single the whole time." She laughed. "But yeah I am. Why?"

"Because I am in need of a new wing woman. Mapi has Alexia's sister. Alexia and Jenni are, don't tell anyone." 

"And Leila is still with Mariona." I sighed.

"Yeah. You're girlfriend still has a girlfriend." She said.

"I really hate you." 

"Don't lie to me. When's your next big movie?" 

"Whenever I have an idea." I said. "Which I have none. I can't really write a movie titled, Leila please get your head out of your ass I won't wait forever." 

"Why can't you?" She said. 

"Are you being serious?"

"Yeah. Why can't you write a movie that basically says Leila please get your head out of your ass? Now don't ACTUALLY put those words in it, but just write something around that." 

"Because it's cliche and won't get anywhere."

"Then just write it. Send it to Leila and ask for feedback." She said. "You've told me billions of times. You are better with words when you write them than when you speak them. Write how you feel about Leila in the form of a movie."

"What about Mariona?" I said. "She seems like such a sweet girl, Vir. I'd hate for her to get hurt. Especially when I've told Leila so many times."

"Mariona is the sweetest girl you could meet. And I hate what Leila is doing to her, to both of you."


"But Leila thinks that lying to her is the best way to prevent her from getting hurt." 

"And what about me?" I said. "Leila wants to protect Mariona so much, but what about me? She knows at some point I'm going to move on right? I hate being a secret. I hate feeling like I'm in second place. The whole time I was in the band, my feelings were constantly pushed to the side and Leila was the one who helped me through that. Now she's doing that same thing. We talked on the phone, before the premiere." 


"And she,"

"You love me."

"Of course I love you, Leila. You're probably my best friend."

"That's not what I meant. You LOVE me, Tati."

"She what?"

"I can't talk much longer. Please. I need to hear you say it."

"She wanted me to tell her,"

"Please, Tatiana. Just say it. Say it before I go." 

"To say it."

"I love you, Leila." 

"Say what?"

I sighed. "She wanted me to say that I loved her. Before she had to go because Mariona was at the door. And the minute I said it, she hung up on me." 

"Tatiana." Vir sighed. 

"One of us is going to get hurt, Virginia." I said.

"No one wants it to be, Mariona. So it's going to be me." 

"Tati?" My agent peaked into my office. 

"I have to go. I think it's best if we just didn't talk for a while. Just some space."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"I talk to you, it's usually about Leila. And if Leila doesn't want me then I need to get on with my life. Find someone who does." I said. "I'm sorry, Vir." I hung up.

Leila's POV:

I laughed at something Mapi said when Virginia stormed in.

"I've had enough of you!" She said.

"What?" I stood up. "What's going on?"

"You hurt her!" She pushed me. 

"What's happening?" Mariona asked.

"You are a piece of shit, Ouahabi. You know that? She LOVES you!" I looked down. "No look at me! No more of this! She's heartbroken! Because of you! So heartbroken that she thinks it's better to push all of us away, to push ME away!"

"That's her decision. Not mine." 

She laughed. "You are so blind!"

Mariona walked next to me. "What's going on Leila? What's this about?"

"Tell her." Virginia crossed her arms. "Or I will." 

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