"Yeah!" Tommy screamed as it came on. Wilbur sighed. This was gonna be a long ride.

I know I'm not the only one
But I can't imagine nothing else
I see it every time I fall aslee-

"Okay we're here." Wilbur says turning the car off. Phil's house was nice. It was separated from the others and it had a small outdoor garden where Phil could spend his time gardening. It had a few purple flowers at the front already.

Wilbur takes Tommy out the car.

"Okay I didnt tell Phil you were coming so if we sneak you in do you wanna scare him." Tommy nodded and followed Wilbur. Wilbur tried to bring Tommy through the back but the bell of a bike passing by and throwing paper at Phil's door scared Tommy causing him into falling into the bush next to him.

"Ah Wilbur help!" Tommy yelled as Wilbur face palmed. Phil walks outside to see a disappointed Wilbur and a gremlin struggling in a bush.

"Oh hey Wilbur did you catch a racoon?" Wilbur nodded as they both looked at the struggling boy.

"I'm fucking stuck help me Philza minecraft! Aw I'm going to call childline on you I feel abused." Phil laughed but helped the child free himself from Phil's convent trap.

Phil let's them both in and gives Wilbur some coffee he made for him. He gives Tommy some apple juice.

"What the fuck." Tommy says looking at the box.

"I didnt know you were coming otherwise I would have made you some." Phil says taking a sip.

"Here Tommy have mine. I'm not a big fan of coffee anyway." Wilbur said taking a sip of the apple juice.

Just as they all relax a knock on the door alerts the trio. Tommy looks at Wilbur and smiles. They both grab two sets of pillows each and hide. Phil stares at the two confused before opening the door.

"Oh Hey Techno. Wilbur didn't tell me you were coming." Phil said surprised to see Technoblade with a bag at his doorstep.

"Yeah he said it was our duty as sons to comfort our father so yeah. Anyway is Wilbur here yet?" Technoblade asked as Phil let him in.

"Uh no not yet. Anyway are you excited for your mr beast video in a few days?" They both sat down on the floor.

"GET EM!" Technoblade looks to see Tommy and Wilbur jump out behind closed doors and attack him with pillows.

"Yeah bitch stay down!" Tommy yelled getting him in the side. Technoblade grabbed Wilbur and Tommy's pillows and took them away. He hit them both once and they both fell to the floor. Phil wacks Techno on the head.

"I win." Technoblade threw the pillows on Wilbur and Tommy who let out a groan of pain.

After a day of helping Phil set up couches and proper chairs the sun started to set.

"Are you all planning on sleeping round?" Phil asks and they all nod.

"Alright let's get dinner then."
"MCDONALD'S!" Tommy screams and Technoblade hits him with another pillow causing him to fall off the sofa.

"AH SHIT!" They laughed.

"Dont yell in my ear then dumbass." Technoblade rolled his eyes and went with Phil to the car. They all got into the
car and went to McDonald's. Phil went through the drive through. After saying his order he turned to the others.

"So three happy meals for you lot then?" He joked.

"Okay three happy meals. Now please go to the next window." A robotic voice came from the box.

"Wait what?" Phil asked but the screen was telling him to move. He drove to the next window ignoring Wilbur and Tommy's laughing. He gets to the window and pays. He goes to the next one and gets the food.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." He says as he looks at the three happy meals in the bag.

"Well come on then I'm hungry." Wilbur takes one and starts eating the fries.

"Ey you got any dip?" Tommy asks picking up a chicken nugget.

"Not for you." Technoblade said dipping his fries into the ketchup.

"Wow fuck you man." Tommy says munching on his nugget.

When Phil gets home he takes ice cream out the freezer and gives it to them as a apology for the happy meals.

"Phil it's fine at least it was food." Wilbur says eating a scoop.

"Hey I got a idea." Tommy says. "We should make a blanket fort." Phil chuckles.

"Wow you really are a child." Techno says shaking his head.

"Well now someones not allowed in our fort." Tommy says smiling.

"I mean I'm down. Then we could put a film on. I could put my Disney + in and we could watch something from that." Wilbur says.

"Hell yeah let's go!" Tommy says grabbing pillows and trying to structure them. After finishing their ice cream the rest went to help him. While techno was sorting out a pillow wall Tommy dragged a blanket under him making him fall over.

"Oops." Tommy snickered. Techno grabbed the blanket under him and pulled it making him fall.

"Oops." Techno smiled as Tommy faked being in pain.

"AH PHIL I THINK TECHNO BROKE MY BACK GROUND HIM OR SOMETHING!" Phil looked at the mess on the floor.

"Shut up Tommy." Tommy stopped acting and gave Phil the most hurt look ever.

"Betrayed by my own father." Tommy flops down. Phil rolled his eyes and threw the last pillow at Tommy.

"Father why!"

"Alright I'm done." Techno left Phil's bathroom wearing pink Pjs with little crowns on it.

"Rocking the pink Techno." Wilbur says in his yellow Pjs with little squids on them.

"I know right." Techno flips his hair making the others laugh. Phil had plain black Pjs but Tommy's were minecraft based saying it was a joke gift from one of his friends at Christmas. Tommy stole the control and put on Up.

"You are all gonna fucking cry." Tommy says wrapping himself in a blanket.

Near the end of the film Wilbur takes notice of the sleeping child next to him.

"Hey Phil have you unpacked any Pens?" Wilbur asks the tired father.

"Oh uh. In the draw nearest the microwave." Wilbur leaves the fort and comes back with a black marker.

Wilbur pushes Tommy's fringe delicately making sure not to wake the child.


Wilbur chuckled to himself.
Technoblade sees Wilbur falling asleep. He gets the pen from Wilburs hand and moves his fringe.


Techno smirks to himself.
Philza sees Technoblade asleep and tradition is tradition. He grabs the pen and sees Technos hair in a ponytail


Phil smiles to himself. Knowing hes safe he falls asleep.

Tommy wakes up and sees its 2:56. After going to the bathroom and seeing the word Gremlin on his head he walks back into the fort. He sees the only one with nothing is Phil. He takes the maker and thinks for a second. He moves his fringe.

#1 DAD

Tommy smiles and falls back asleep feeling safe with his family.

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