Chapter 28

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She breathed in and it took her a long moment before she released her breath. She was sweating. Her palms were sweating. Her fingers gripping the device as if she were hanging onto her dear life. Her hair was a mess from her running her fingers through them before she decided to call him. With all her thoughts racing, she breathed then took a swig of courage before speaking.


"Sarada?" He asked with wonder. How could she have his new number. Himawari. He thought that without sending his farewells, she'd be fine. Apparently, he was quite wrong about that. Her voice seemed different. Like she had been crying for quite a while.

"How have you been? How's Sanguinem and all of its glory?" She asked with a nervous laugh. Her forehead added to her sweating palms. All of a sudden, her fingers started shaking. Damn it, she was jittery.

"Sarada... I'm sorry.." He then said calmly. He truly did regret leaving without saying goodbye. It seems like he was more important to her than he originally thought.

He glanced at his desk with worry. Damn it, this paper could wait ʼtil later. He has a phone call with the love of his life. He needs to fix this or let her go if he really did mess up that bad. He saved the document and turned his attention away from his laptop. He took a really deep breath to initiate a conversation with Sarada.

"I miss you..."

"I do too..."

"Wait, really?" She then asked. A sudden surge of excitement rushed through her. She felt like she could squeal at the moment. Her nails tapping at the back of her device from the joy and excitement she got just from that sentence. He really did get her bad.

That was what she imagined as she waited for the one on the other line to pick up. She turned her head to the mirror and saw red. Her face, her whole face was red. Cheeks were tainted with crimson and her neck was as well. Clearly, being a patient lover flsuters on being. So flustered that their whole face would go red. 

"How's college going?" She spoke with confidence. Trying to hide her excitement when he answered her call. Her heart was beating quite fast that it all sounded like humming. She awaits for his reply but all she received was a chuckle. "It's exhausting." He sighed on the other end of the line. Exhasperated at all of the upcoming events of the university. 

She laughed. She laughed and it was harmonious. Her laugh made him laugh too. "I just called to say hello and asked what you were doing." She said with honesty. All these things that went on with him changed her. She wasn't a shy girl but here he goes, getting her all soft and smiley even for the smallest of things. 

"Oh, you ave no idea how this helps me. The boat load of assignments they drop onto engineering really beats the crap out of me." There began his discussion of his teachers. From Professor Kureto of Engineering to Professor Kuroo of his Chemistry class. He gave all the gory and brain-splitting details of their classes. "God, I never even knew how hard all of this can be."

"I mean, I never thought of how they'd give no mercy and I skipped on the last month and a half of my senior year. How's the start of senior year? Hopefully, they're treating you good." He continued. She rolled her eyes with a small smile. "To tell you frankly, everything is going great. You know, if you hadn't left so early and skipped your summer, then you wouldn't even be experiencing all that hardship." She informed him.

"I'm sorry, ya know? I didn't really think that it'd take me this far." 

"And I've forgiven you. It's not exactly right that you left with no goodbye whatsoever but I adore you. I know you care about your future. Besides, of all people you clearly need a lot of help with college, you indecisive idiot." To that he laughed. He laughed so hard that he snorted. 

"Thank you. No, really. Thank you, Sarada. It means a lot, your forgiveness."

"While it does mean a lot, these teachers aren't so forgiving. This university's strict. I mean, I came from Japan. People at home are supposed to be tight yet these people are even worst. The dorms are pretty spacious but they've given us curfews." He explains.  He really went into town with telling her stories about his dormmates, the food and how difficult the course is. 

"You can come visit me too, ya know? I did the math, your senior year ends at when winter break starts. You can come see the school before the next school year starts. Who knows, maybe Tepes is actually for you too." He suggested. She smiled as she answered, "I guess, I mean, papa's constituents  from Korea offered me some scholarships. He said that studying overseas could help me carrer-wise."

"Staying in Asia? Damn, I guess I'd miss you more-" He said before his dormmate opened his door. The raven was jumping up and down from excitement. His green eyes sparkling as he told the blond the news from the university. "Hey you! I heard from Kimizuki that you'll be doing this practical tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you, I've heard from seniors that Professor Hiragi is absolutely merciless when it comes to his practicals! How I wish you never-!" Yuu said before his mouth was slapped shut by the said salmoned haired engineering student.

"DO you ever shut up? I was at the foyer and it was your voice that was booming from the hallway. Besides, I SHOULD be the one to inform him, I'm his blockmate after all." Kimizuki said with an eyeroll. Yuu squinted his eyes before his hand slapped the back of Kimizuki's head. "YOU KNOBHEAD! You may be his blockmate but I am his first friend!" Mika exclaimed with a finger pointing to his chest. Those two never stop butting heads. 

"Listen, I'd hate to cut this short but these two won't stop until I do something. I'll call when I get the chance. I love you!" Boruto said as he quickly hanged up to stop whatever arguement that was soon to arise between the pair that intruded in his call.

Whilst he handled his dormmates, she had butterflies in her stomach. "I love you too." She whispered to no one in particular. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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