Chapter 3- Brand new day

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Callie's POV
Arizona and I made our way up to the guest bedroom. I had a peak at the clock on the bedside table and it was almost 1am, she dug around in the drawers and pulled out a bright pink t-shirt.
"Um Arizona i don't think I'll fit into one of your T-shirt's," I looked at her then the pink shirt, it looked a little bigger than her other ones.
"This is your shirt silly" she giggled. "You left it at our house in Seattle, it was one of the only things i had left of you." Hearing Arizona say that made my heart stop, I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.
"Oh haha, thank you," when she handed me the shirt our hands brushed against each other. We both stood there for a couple seconds and once our hands pulled away from one another there was nothing but the sound of silence.
"Um Calliope I'm gonna go get some sleep," Arizona said, breaking the tension.
"Oh yeah, uh me too," things started to become a little more awkward between the two of us, Arizona walked away into her bedroom, it was just right across the hallway. I heard her bedroom door shut behind her and I fell backwards onto the bed, I just lay there thinking about the days when I had Arizona. When she was mine.


The buzz of my phone snapped me out of my little day dream, I looked over and calling me was Penny. I slid the green button over to the other side of my phone and put it on speaker.
"Hello?" I whispered into the phone,
"Hey babe!" Penny said. "Why aren't you home yet?" She asked, "it's 1:15am." How on earth do I tell her I'm staying at my ex-wife's place for the night.
"Um well. I won't be.." both of us just stayed dead silent for a couple seconds.
"What do you mean you won't be?" Penny asked breaking the silence, i could hear the anger increasing in her voice.
"Arizona offered me to stay the night," I replied, "for Sofia obviously." The minute I said it was just for Sofia, I felt regret. I wanted to be with Arizona too, I really missed all three of us being together.
"Fine. I'm going to sleep." Penny hung up the phone on me but to be honest I wasn't really bothered, was that bad?

Arizona's POV
Morning was here, mine and Sofia's first day of living in New York City! For breakfast I made us all eggs, bacon and some toast for us to share. By the time I was getting the plates out I could hear Callie and Sofia walking down the stairs.
"Guys breakfast is ready!" I shouted to them, they still looked half asleep. Sofia couldn't quite get up on the stool, there wasn't much of a step for her to boost herself up with. Callie walked behind her and lifter Sofia up on the chair.
"Thank you Mama," said Sofia with a huge smile on her face.
"No problem baby girl.," replied Callie, "you know I'd do anything for you." Callie gave Sofia a little wink.
"So you'll live with me and mommy forever, and we can all be together!" Me and Callie just exchanged looks with each other. i felt horrible for Sofia. All she wanted was her Mommies together with her, one day she'll understand it all.
"Remember Sofia, Penny is Mamas girlfriend." Sofia's head just dropped and a tear fell from her eye. "Hey sweetie don't cry." Callie said, also starting to tear up. "Look what Mommy made you for breakfast!" Her face lit up a little when she seen the pile of bacon on her plate.
" Arizona you didn't have to d-" I cut her off saying. "Don't be stupid Callie. Of course I'd make you breakfast when you stay," Callie just gave me a little smile.

Everyone was finished with their food, Sofia sprawled right along the new sofa, trying to take all the space. Callie just sat there in silence, I wasn't so sure what to say to her.
"Hey Calliope-"
"Don't call me that!" Callie sounded pissed. Like really pissed.
"Oh. Sorry Callie I won't." I replied. What on earth was wrong with her.
"I don't mean to be rude Arizona, it's just I-I" I place my hand on her shoulder and gave her a small comforting smile. She took a deep breath and continued, "you calling me that just makes me miss you so much." Ok I was not expecting her to say that. Did she really miss me? Could she maybe even still love me?
"R-really," I stuttered, still in shock from what she said.
"Yes Arizona, really!" Callie looked at me with her deep, dark brown eyes. What do I do, I mean she's got a girlfriend. I mean yeah sure I miss her so much but she has a girlfriend-
"But Penny," I whispered. We started to gradually get closer to eachother, i could feel her breath beating against my face.
"What about her?" She whispered back. Callie's eyes kept darting down to my lips. Then back up to my eyes, then back down to my lips again. She started to slowly lean in for a kiss, I jerked away at first but I felt her hand on the back of my head, pulling me in towards her. Her soft lips pressed gently against mine. I kept trying to pull away but I couldn't contain myself. We broke for air and I managed slowly pull myself away.
"Callie you need to talk to Penny," I whispered, my hands falling from her face, her hands still grasping around my waist.
"I know," she sighed. "And I will."

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