How It All Happened

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A/N; Thank you for clicking on my story!! This is the third story I'm writing. I got bored after like one chapter for my other story. This chapter with be a short one with just the backstory of how all the bullying began. ENJOY!!

(Marinette's POV)

I walked into the classroom, knowing that this would be a good day. Unfortunately, Fate Had Other Plans. Everyone was giving me cold stares.
"Hey guys!" I said with a smile on my face. At this moment, my smile started to drop as their smiles dropped while looking at me. "What's going on? What happened?" I was honestly confused on what I missed

"Don't act like your clueless on what you did!" Alya said to me with a dead stare. "I don't know what you're talking about?" I replied with a clueless look on my face.
"You pushed Lila down the stairs!" Rose claimed. "Yeah! And now she has a bruise on her arm because of you!" Ivan said not long after Rose. "W-what! I never did that!" I tried to defend myself.
"We know you are jealous of Lila, I am too, but this is too far Dupain-Cheng! Not even I would do that." Chloe shouted at me.

I almost had tears running down my cheeks, until he walked in.
"I heard Marinette Dupain-Cheng is getting blamed for giving Lila Rossi a bruise on said's arm. But I will not believe that is true." Felix calmingly said whilst walking into the classroom. My smile started to form back on my face.
He started to walk up to Lila. "Ms Rossi. As bruise from being vaulted off the stairs would be more green and blue that purple and black. Also,*he starts to pull out a napkin from his lunch bag* this bruise could rub off real easily." "WELL I BELIEVE HER! THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME MARINETTE HURT HER!" Adrien yells at Felix. "Poor little cousin. Too brainwashed by a love sick liar." Felix mumbles under his breath
but loud enough for me to hear.
He walks over to sit next to me in the back. "Hey Marinette. Are you alright? My cousin could be a little sick in the head sometimes." Felix asks with a smirk on his face. "Y-yeah I'm alright! T-thanks for helping me!" I reply.

Why do I feel this way. Why is my heart pounding next to him more than it does next to Adrien.

To be continued.

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